Lab 2 - EE 421L 

Allis Hierholzer




        -Upload the ideal 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) and Digital-to-Analog Converter(DAC) simulation example in design directory CMOSedu


       -Open the schematic view of the cell sim_Ideal_ADC_DAC


       -Run the simulation (Plot can be edited by right clicking on the graph and selecting "graph properties." )


       -Understand how the input voltage (Vin) is related to B[9:0] and Vout:

        Suppose a 10-bit DAC uses 5V and ground for reference voltages; using the formula shown below, 1LSB = 4.9mV. Vout would follow Vin at the rate of 4.9mV per step. 


Lab Description

       -In this lab, n-well resistors are used to implement a 10-bit DAC based on Figure 30.14 (shown below).


       -To design a 10-bit DAC, the resistors should be implemented by having two 10k resistors in series that is parallel to a one 10k resistor, per bit. 


       -Create a symbol for the 10-bit DAC design:

            ~On the tabs on the schematic window, click on "Create" -> "Cellview" -> "From Cellview" -> "ok"

            ~Label the left pins b9-b0, the right pin Vout


       -The 10-Bit DAC total resistance is equal to 10k


       -The delay when driving a 10pF load is 70ns



       -The DAC is behaving like a voltage divider, where Vout becomes half of Vin  after 5RC


       -ADC connected to the created DAC with no load


       -DAC under no load: Vout waveform is the same waveform as Vin



       -ADC connected to the created DAC with resistive load of 10k


       -DAC with resistive load: the waveform of Vout is half as much Vin


       -ADC connected to the created DAC with capacitive load of 10pF

       -DAC with capacitive load creates a DC offset of 1V on Vout


       -ADC connected to the created DAC with both capacitive load of 10pF & resistive load of 10k


       -DAC with both capacitive load of 10pF &  resistive load of 10k shows a big decrease in voltage between Vin andVout



The cells used to generate the images used on this webpage can be downloaded in Lab2_hie   

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