Lab 01 - EE 421L
Pre-Step: Make sure the 'MobaXterm' and Cadence is set up correctly with the provided link.
Step 1: Launch 'Cadence' through the 'MobaXterm' server.
This can be accomplished typing into the comman prompt: cd CMOSedu/
Then followed by: virtuhoso &
Step 2: Now in the CIW, click Tools -> Library Manager. Create a new Library named "Tutorial_1".
Click "Attach to existing tech library" and select "AMI 0.60u C5N (3M, @P, high res)". Then OK.
Step 3: Select the new library "Tutorial_1" and create a new cell named "R_div". Click OK.
Step 4: Create the following schematic as shown below (Voltage Divider w/ 2 Resistors).
Bind keys can be used such as i for instance (components), q for properties, w for wires, and l for naming wires.
Once created, Click Check & Save.
Step 5: Enter the ADE L to plot the schematic. Click Analyses in the ADE L window and select tran for a transient analysis. Then Stop Time at 1 second.
Step 6: Click Outputs -> To Be Plotted -> Select On Schematic. Click the wires for "Vout" and "Vin".
Step 7: Make sure the Ade L is running through Spectre if not already preset.
Otherwise we can Save State in Cell View. If already saved, then Load State in Cell View.
8: Then we can Run in the Ade L to obtain the following
Back Up:
I back up my documents very often. In fact, I store 3 main back up folders. I have a directory stored in my file explorer that contains the back up folder/files for my website editing. When website editing through KompoZer, I store and backup the folder/files onto the Desktop and edit files through there. I back up in the two locations incase one location is corrupted for what ever reason. Here are the two different locations:
Keeping in mind that the files are backed up very oftenly, after a few hours or long day of putting in work into the website editing, the file is zipped and uploaded into my google drive. This allows for me to backtrack a recent backup incase there is deep file corruption earlier in the process that is too late to fix. Here is my drive:
This Concludes the Lab 1 Report.