Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Jovanne Dahan,

August 29, 2018


Lab description


Initially, we had to download the NCSU CDK and extract it to our home folder. We also had to edit the cds library, which resulted in the following.

          -NOTE: My cds library also includes examples from Dr. Baker’s book CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, Third Edition.




Next, we started virtuoso and we created a new library to store the voltage divider we were going to make.




After creating the schematic type view, we constructed the voltage divider circuit by instantiating the necessary circuit elements.




Finally, we launched ADE L after checking and saving. In the ADE window that appeared, we performed the necessary setup so that we could display the input and output of the schematic on the simulation.




In order to prevent losing my progress I intend to back-up my work regularly by performing the following steps:


1)   Firstly, I will copy the file I am working in to the desktop so that I can zip it.




2)  Then, I will email myself the zipped folder.




3)  Lastly, I will label the email so I don’t lose it.





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