Lab 1: Laboratory Introduction - EE 421L 

Author: Mario Verduzco








Lab description:


Experimental Results:


· The lab reports will be drafted using html and placed on CMOSedu.

· Prior to the first day of lab, but no earlier than one week before the lab starts, get a CMOSedu account, using your UNLV email address, from Dr. Baker,  

· Review the material seen here covering editing webpages (do this before the first lab) 

The objective of this lab is to properly setup Cadence Virtuoso and have a proper understanding on how to create and submit HTML lab reports.

Experiment #1 - Follow and complete Cadence tutorial 1 from CMOSedu.

           The tutorial consists of setting up ON’s C5 process for use in the lab. After downloading, uploading and defining the cds.lib we were able to create a resistive voltage divider schematic for simulation.

           The other CMOSedu tutorials were followed in order to plot the schematic on a white background.

Resistive Voltage Divider

Resistive Voltage Divider Tran Simulation

           Using the ADE - L we were able to simulate the resistive voltage divider using a transient simulation.

           Lastly, it is important to do regular backups in order to have your hard work saved. I will be using google drive and uploading the zipped file of the lab report and figures as my back up method.

Zipped lab file

Google drive uploaded file