Lab 6 -
EE 421L
by Reiner Dizon,
date is October 18, 2017
description: This
lab is about designing and laying out CMOS NAND and XOR gates which will be used to create a full adder circuit.
- Back-up all of my work from the lab and the course
Lab Backup:
 | Course Backup:

4 talks about design process of a NAND gate using n and p type MOSFETs.
Here are the schematic and symbol created which will be used for LVS later:

| Symbol:

After creating the NAND gate symbol,
I laid out the logic gate design and DRCed it. Since the
schematic and layout were already created, I performed LVS afterwards to
confirm if the netlists matched.
I ran the
simulation on both the schematic and the layout, and the simulations
were identical. For the simulating the NAND gate schematic, I created a
simulation schematic with power and ground.
Simulation Schematic:

| Simulation Results:

- Read through the lab before starting
1) Create schematic, symbol, and layout for 2-input NAND gate using 6u/0.6u (W/L ratio) MOSFETs
schematic and symbol for the 2-input NAND gate use those from Tutorial 4
(prelab). Since my design uses the ones from the prelab, I made a copy of that cell
view in order to make changes to them according to the lab
instruction. I added my initials "RD" in the center of the NAND gate to differentiate mine. Here are my schematic and symbol for the NAND gate.

| Symbol:

Before laying out this schematic, I made a standard cell frame for
all the gates in this lab. This cell allows me to easily wire power and
ground in the same places for all the gates, which helps make my
designs consistent. Since the MOSFETs in this lab have the W/L ratio of
6u/0.6u, I made frame size a bit larger than these dimensions to allow
for more space while wiring up multiple gates.
the prelab used 12u/0.6u PMOS for the NAND gate, this does not match
the schematic given above. Therefore, I modified the layout to match
the ratio of 6u/0.6u for the PMOS transistor. Instead of simply
modifying the layout, I inserted my standard frame cell and moved
everything over to that cell. Since it had more space than the one from
the tutorial, I spread out the components within the frame. Afterwards,
I performed the DRC for the design. Here are my layout and DRC results:

| DRC Results:

checking the layout for errors, I extracted the layout for the LVS tool
which will check it against the NAND gate schematic. Here are the extracted layout and the corresponding LVS results:

| LVS Results:

2) Create schematic, symbol, and layout for 2-input XOR gate using 6u/0.6u (W/L ratio) MOSFETs
the 2-input XOR gate, I had to make the schematic almost from scratch.
However, I copied some of my previous circuit onto this schematic (i.e.
inverter and NAND) and modified them according to the schematic given
in the lab instruction. The symbol, on the other hand, was created from
scratch. Just like the NAND gate symbol, I added my initials on it. Here are my schematic and symbol for the XOR gate.

| Symbol:

As done with the NAND gate layout, I used the standard cell frame as
the foundation of my layout. According to the schematic above, there
are four sets of NMOS/PMOS pairs (some with multipliers) that needs to
be laid out for the XOR gate, so I instantiated four standard frames.
As with these frames, I immediately connected all powers and grounds
accordingly. Moreover, since the are many metal1 connections in the
layout, I had to use metal2 to avoid crossing metal1 connections with other metal1's which would alter the design. Here are my layout and its DRC results:

DRC Results:

checking the layout for errors, I extracted the layout for the LVS tool
which will check it against the XOR gate schematic. Here are the extracted layout and the corresponding LVS results:

LVS Results:

3) Logic gates simulation
Before simulation, I created a simple simulation schematic that contains all of the logic gates that I have created so far. Using
the Spectre tool in ADE, I simulated the logic gate (i.e. 12u/6u
inverter, NAND, XOR) operations for all possible 2-bit inputs on both
the schematics and the layouts. Here are my simulation schematic and results:

| Schematic Simulation:

Layout Simulation:

| Netlist Display (Proof):

Comment about glitching:
the above simulations, the transition between the input "01" and "10"
causes a glitch at the XOR output. Because both inputs are changing
voltage levels simultaneously, the rise and fall time (or transition
time) when these voltages are changing affects the output at the XOR
gate for that moment until it produces the proper output. Shrinking
this time will reduce or even eliminate this glitch.
4) Draft a full adder schematic and symbol
the full adder schematic, I used the NAND and XOR gates symbols from
previous parts of this lab to create my full adder schematic. It has
three inputs: a, b, & cin. Also, it has two outputs: sum &
cout. I also made the corresponding symbol. Here are my schematic and symbol for the full adder.

| Symbol:

5) Full adder layout
done with the full adder schematic, I imported the layouts for each
gate (3 NAND and 2 XOR) and placed them side-by-side, so I can connect
all power and ground connections. I used metal1 pins for inputs and
outputs of the full adder. I mostly used metal2 to connect between gate
pins, along with m2_m1 layouts. Here are my layout and its DRC results:

DRC Results:

After DRCing, I extracted the layout and performed LVS
which will check it against the full adder schematic. Here are the extracted layout and the corresponding LVS results:

LVS Results:

6) Full adder simulation
Before simulating the full adder schematic and layouts, I created a simulation schematic. Using
the Spectre tool in ADE, I simulated the full adder operation for all
possible 3-bit inputs on both the schematics and the layouts. Here are
my simulation schematic and results:

Schematic Simulation:

Layout Simulation:

Netlist Display (Proof):

After finishing the lab, I backed up my lab 6 web directory from CMOSedu and library from the cluster:

to Reiner's Labs
to EE 421L Labs