Lab 5 - EE 421L 

Authored by Charlie Torres-Garcia



Digital Integrated Circuit Design -
Design, layout, and simulation of a CMOS inverter

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Go over Tutorial 4 create NAND.


Lab 6 covers the design, layout, and simulation of NAND, XOR gates and full-adder.

All gates where DRC and LVS and sim using symbols created by the schematics.

Directions for creating NAND/XOR


Schematic:                                                                      Symbol:

Layout:                               Extraction:
DRC:                                                                                                     LVS:


Schematic:                                                                                Symbol:


Layout:                                                                                                        Extraction:
DRC:                                                                                                         LVS:

Using Spectre simulate the logical operation of the gates for all 4 possible inputs (00, 01, 10, and 11).

Now we create a schematic to simulate the logic operations of our gates (NAND/XOR/INVERTER)


Using the following settings to simulate the Logic operations (Truth Table).

SIM results:                                                                                                             Created a Truth table with this results    


Next we create a Full-Adder with all the gates previously made.

Schematic:                                                                                                                Symbol:


Simulation of the Full-Adder to make sure it works properly

Transient sim runs for 800ns to show the logic operation

Voltage pulse connected to the cin/a/b (with different periods to show logic operations)

Schematic using Symbol:

SIM results of Full-Adder:

We make a layout and DRC/LVS to make sure it works properly

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