Lab 7 - EE 421L: Digital Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory

James Mellott

Lab description:





Below are the post-lab deliverables.


Below in figure 1 is the schematic for single gates and their perspective 8 input gates in the following order: AND, NAND, NOR, OR, Inverter.


Figure 1

Below in figure 2 is the schematic used to simulate the gates.


Figure 2

Below in figure 3 is the simulation results of the above schematic.  As you can see the 100fF load delays the output of the gates.


Figure 3

 Below in figure 4 is the schematic views of the single bit, and 8 bit 2-1 MUX/DE MUX.


Figure 4

Below in figure 5 is the schematic used to simulate the operation of the 8 bit 2-1 MUX/DE MUX.


Figure 5

Below in figure 6 is the results of the simulation, as you can see if you look at this as a 2-1 MUX the output(Z) is A when S(net4) is 5V or logic “1”, and the output is B when S is 0V or logic “0”.  The DE MUX operation is just the reverse, when S is 1 Z’s input value would go to A and when S is 0 Z’s input value woud go to B.



Below in figure 7 is the schematic used to simulate the operation of the DE MUX.


Figure 7

Below in figure 8 is the results of the simulation.  **NOTE** when the DE MUX selector is high(net4 = 5V) we do not care about the Value on B.  When the selector is low 0V the output takes the correct value.


Figure 8

Below in figure 9 is the schematic and the symbol of the Full Adder.


Figure 9

Below in figure 10 is the Layout and Extracted view of the Full Adder seen above in figure 9.


Figure 10

Below in figure 11 is the successful LVS and DRC of the Full Adder.


Figure 11

Below in figure 12 is the 8 bit Full Adder schematic.


Figure 12

Below in figure 13 is close up view of the layout for the 8 bit Full Adder.  Notice the carry output of the first adder is tied to the carry input of the second adder. This is repeated to create the 8 bit Full Adder.


Figure 13

Below in figure 14 is the successful LVS and DRC of the 8 bit Full Adder.


Figure 14


Below in figure 15 is the schematic used to simulate the 8 bit Full Adder.


Figure 15

Below in figure 16 is the simulation results from figure 15 above.


Figure 16

Below is the truth table to verify operation of the 8 bit Full Adder. Note that net4 is carry in and the table output refers to Co for Carry and S<0> for Sum from the simulation results above in figure 16.


Full Adder Truth Table




Lab 7 served to teach me how to properly use and label busses and arrays for multiple input/output logic gates. 

My Lab 7 files can be found here to authenticate unique individual experiments and designs.


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