Lab 2 - EE 421L: Digital Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory

James Mellott

Lab description:

Design of a 10-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC)


Pre-Lab Scope

·         Back-up all of your work from the lab and the course.

·         Read through this entire lab write-up before doing the pre-lab 

o    Simulate the ideal 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) and Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC).

·         Prior to coming to lab make sure you understand how the input voltage, Vin, is related to B[9:0] and Vout.

·         In your lab report:

1.     Provide a narrative of the prelab steps.

2.    Provide, and discuss, simulation results different from the prelab illustrate your understanding of the ADC and DAC.

3.    Explain how you determine the least significant bit (LSB, the minimum voltage change on the ADC's input to see a change in the digital code B[9:0]) of the converter. Use simulations to support your understanding.

·         Backup your webpages and design directory.

Lab Work

·         Use n-well resistors to implement a 10-bit DAC based upon the topology seen in Fig. 30.14, below, in the CMOS book.

Post-Lab Scope

·         Your lab report should document the following:

o    The design of a 10-bit DAC using an n-well R of 10k

·         How to determine the output resistance of the DAC (answer: R) by combining resistors in parallel and series

·         Delay, driving a load

o    Ground all DAC inputs except B9. Connect B9 to a pulse source (0 to VDD) and show, and predict using 0.7RC, the delay the DAC has driving a 10 pF load

o    Verify the simulation results match your hand calculations

·         How to create a symbol view for your design with the exact same footprint as the Ideal_10-bit_DAC symbol view.

·         Simulations to verify your design functions correctly.

o    Copy the schematic cell view sim_Ideal_ADC_DAC to a cell sim2_Ideal_ADC_DAC and replace the ideal DAC with the one you just designed.

o    Use the sim2_Ideal_ADC_DAC to illustrate that your design works as expected.

o    Show what happens if the DAC you designed drives a load (both R, C, and R/C)

o    Explain what happens if the DAC drives a 10k load?

·         In a real circuit the switches seen above (the outputs of the ADC) are implemented with transistors (MOSFETs).

o    Discuss what happens if the resistance of the switches isn't small compared to R.


Below are the pre-lab deliverables.


 ADC/DAC Voltage Relationships:

The voltage Vin, Vout, and B[9:0] are related by the following:


Vin is the analog input to the ADC, the ADC takes the continuous signal and compares the incoming voltage against a reference voltage divider network.  Comparators then switch on or off depending on the input voltage.  What you get as an output is a digital representation of Vin designated as signal B.  B[9:0] is a discrete time signal. In this lab B is 10-bit representation of Vin and can encode with a resolution of 1024 bits.  That is derived from the equation (2^n = 2^(10) = 1024 bits); where n is a 10 bit word.  B is then fed into a DAC which consists of a resistive ladder network and transistor switch setup.  The switching is done based on the values of B, the ladder can take the digital signal and represent it as a time discrete signal, Vout.  Vout is the analog output of the DAC and represents the digital signal from the ADC in analog form.  In figure 28.1 below is a diagram taken from the CMOSedu 3rd Edition course book that illustrates the entire process.




In figure 1 you will see that I am backing up my files on google drive, not pictured is the local files I have as well.


Figure 1


In figure 2 below you will see that I unzipped the file per the pre lab instructions.


Figure 2


In figure 3 below I am showing that I am opening up the correct file to simulate, and figure 4 is the result of the simulation before modifications are made.

Figure 3



Figure 4


Below in figure 5 I am modifying the amplitude of the input voltage to see how it effects the output.  As you can see below in figure 6 the output voltage appears to be clipping, that is because the input voltage exceeds the encoding range of the ADC.


Figure 5


Figure 6


 Table of Parameters




Offset Voltage










LSB Determination
The following is a brief discussion on how to determine the Least Significant Bit (LSB) for the ADC.

Recall: Since the ADC must quantize and infinite-valued analog signal, the following expression must be satisfied:

Q = Number of Quantization Levels = 2^n = 2^(10) = 1024 values

which corresponds to the 10-bit digital code.

Recall: The calculation for determining the voltage corresponding to 1 LSB:

1 LSB = VRef/(2^n); where 2^n = Q

1 LSB = (5V)/(1024 Bits) = 4.882813 mV/Bits


Below in figure 7 I modified the input parameters again.  The results are shown in figure 8.  As you can see the modification was to demonstrate the LSB calculation.  Where a 5mv change represents 1 bit.  Figure 7 is the modification of the input voltage.  Figure 8 is the output voltage, notice the output is either on or off.


Figure 7


Figure 8


Table of Parameters




Offset Voltage













Below are the post-lab deliverables.


Design 10-bit DAC:


Initially I started with designing the schematic view of the resistive ladder that I will make a symbol out of to design the ladder network needed for the DAC.

Figure 9 is the schematic view, and figure 10 is the symbol view.

Figure 9


Figure 10


From the symbol I created a new schematic as seen in figure 11 which represents the resistive ladder network needed for the DAC.  Figure 12 is the symbol created from figure 11.

Figure 11

Figure 12


I then copied the Ideal ADC/DAC file so I could replace the Ideal DAC with the one I had created as seen above in figure 12.  Figure 13 below is the ideal schematic and figure 14 is the schematic with the replaced DAC for simulation purposes.


Figure 13


Figure 14


Finally, the simulation results are displayed below in figure 15.  The simulation results nearly match the ideal simulation results seen from figure 4 in the pre-lab section of this report.  The initial value of the output voltage in my simulation results start at a lower value then intended this is why the voltage jumps to roughly 2.6V to match the input voltage.


Figure 15


I also created the n-well layout view of the resistors as seen below.  In figure 16 shows the result of first doing a layout of a single n-well and then creating the layout view of the schematic seen above in figure 9 of this lab report.  Figure 17 shows the extracted results displaying the resistance of each n-well resistor.  The results show a value of 10.18K Ohms.



Figure 16


Figure 17


Below in figures 18 and 19 show the successful DRC and LVS results respectivly.


Figure 18


Figure 19


DAC Output Resistance:

The following is a method for determining the ouput resistance of the DAC.


For the given topology in Figure 30.14, the DAC output resistance, can be calculated by it’s Thevenin Equivalence. 

The resultant resistive ladder diagram impedance as seen from Vout is then expressed as:

Rout = ((((((((..................||2R)+R)||2R)+R)||2R)+R)||2R)+R)||2R 


Which yields, for any value R in the same topology: Rout = R



Delayed Load Driving:

The following is a comparison between simulation results and hand calculations:


For the given topology in Figure 30.14, the DAC time delay, from B9 to bout with a 10pF capacitive loading can be calculated.

The time delay calculation will be performed in a similar manner to the DAC output resistance method presented above. 

All pins are to be grounded except for b9, which will serve as the input to the time delay signal to be measured.  The schematic view for the simulation can be seen below in figure 20.

Figure 20

By the Thevenin Equivalence principle and series/parallel reduction, it is evident that: Vout = Vin*(2R/(2R+2R)) = Vin*(1/2)

Since Vout must be (Vin/2) for this configuration of the topology, the output signal 50% points must correspond to

Vout50% = (Vin/2)*(50%) = (Vin/4)

Consequently, this is where the time delay output signal will be measured up to.

Recall the distributed quantity RC transmission line model and Time Delay Calculation for Figure 2.22 seen below.

Td = 0.7*R*C*(L*(L+1)/2)


R = 10k Ohms, C = 10pF, L=1

Thus the expected time delay is:

Td = 0.7*(10k)*(10pF) = 70nS

 Seen below in figure 21 is the simulation results verifying hand calculations.


Figure 21


Simulations Demonstrating Correct Functionality:



Below in figure 22 the simulation schematic was altered by having the DAC drive a capacitive load.  As you can see from the simulation results shown below in figure 23 a capacitive load creates time delay. As the capacitance of the load increases the time delay increases.

Figure 22


Figure 23


Below in figure 24 the simulation schematic as altered by having the DAC drive a resistive load.  As you can see from the simulation results below in figure 25 a resistive load alteres the output amplitude.  Where a large resistive load will not have much effect on the output but as the resistance deacreases the output voltage decreases.  Simulation was done with a 1k resistor and there was almost no output.

Figure 24


             Figure 25


Below in figure 26 the simulation schematic as altered by having the DAC drive a resistive and capacitive load.  As you can see from the simulation results below in figure 27 a combination load alteres the output amplitude and introduces a time delay.

Figure 26


             Figure 27


Explain what happens if the DAC drives a 10k load?

If the DAC drives a 10k load this will act as a voltage divider and the output will be 50% of what is expected.

In a real circuit the switches seen above (the outputs of the ADC) are implemented with transistors (MOSFETs). 

This will cause loading effects that will have an impact on the output.  In this scenario the effect will result in a smaller output voltage.



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