Lab 5 - EE 421L 

Authored by Ja Manipon
Lab Files



 Layout and Schematic of 12u/6u and 48u/24u Inverters

  • Here I created the inverter for both the sizes. I made sure I connected the drains together and connected the source and body of the PMOS to vdd and the source and body of the NMOS to gnd. Input A was connected to the gates and output Ai was connected to the drains
  • With the layout, I designed it according to the previous schematic. I made sure on the wider inverter I connected all the drains, gates and sources to the according pins.
  • This is showing all the NMOS and PMOS transistors in the extracted view. From the wider inverter, there are multiple transistor due to the parameter of the multiplier being changed to 4
  • Both had no errors in the DRC
  • Both netlists matched with the layout and extracted cell views


Simulations on 12u/6u and 48u/24u Inverters

  • I created a symbol for the previous schematics shown above and labeled them accordingly
Schematic w/ Symbol
  • With the symbols created, I attached them to a simulation schematic with vpulse source and capicator with a variable.
Cap = 100f(spectre)
  • From the first capacitor, we can see that the output is invertering as it should
Cap = 1p(spectre)
  • Once we raised the capacitor, there slope of the output voltage is getting a little smaller but is not as noticable with the wider inverter
Cap = 10p(spectre)
  • When the capacitor was raised again, both inverters have a significant change slopes. The smaller inverter's output voltage does not even reach 0V within the vpulse
Cap = 100p(spectre)
  • The capacitor is raised again for the last time and both inverters have a significant change in their outputs. Both barely invert the output below 1V
Cap = 100f(ultrasim)
  • Both the simulations are repeated in ultrasim, which is Cadence's faster SPICE simulator and meant for larger circuits at the cost of accuracy.
  • From this simulation, the results are very similar from the first
Cap = 1p(ultrasim)
  • The results are similar to the spectre sim
Cap = 10p(ultrasim)
  • These ultrasim simulations have similar outputs but a little off to the previous
Cap = 100p(ultrasim)
  • The last ultrasim simulation again produces similar output to the previous one

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