Lab 1 - EE 421L 

Tyler Ferreira,

September 3, 2016


This lab will teach me how to use Cadence to build a schematic and perform transient analysis on the circuit. I will be building a simple DC circuit following the instructions in Tutorial 1 up to the 25th image.


The first step is to create a new library in Cadence using the library manager. We will name the library Tutorial_1. We will attach the AMI 0.60u library.

 Create Library


Now if I go look at my cds.lib file in the MobaXterm text editor I will see that my Tutorial_1 library is defined at the bottom of the list.


define tutorial_1


I can now create a cell in my Tutorial_1 library by selecting the library and using the drop down menu File>New>Cell View. I will name this cell R_div and make it a schematic type.


cell view


Now I can open up the schematic to a blank grid. I can start adding components by pressing the "i" key on my keyboard. This will open upthe add instance and the component browser windows. In the component browser I will select NCSU_Analog_Parts > R_L_C > res in order to place resistors and I can edit the value of my resistors in the add instance window. We will use 10k Ohm resistors.


placing a component


A quick way to  edit components is to use the key "q" to open up the properties window of the selected component.


properties window


Now that I can find my components I will build my circuit. I can connect components together using the key "w" to place a wire. I can name a wire by pressing the "L" key.  We will use two 10k Ohm resistors and a 1V DC voltage source.




In order to simulate this circuit I will go to the menu Launch > ADE L. ADE stands for Analog Design Environment.


ade l


Now I will go to Analyses > Choose. This will open up a window to choose what type of analysis Cadence will perform. I will choose transient analysis with a stop time of 1 second.


transient 1s


I can choose which outputs will be plotted by selecting Outputs > To Be Plotted > Select On Schematic. I will chose Vin and Vout to be plotted.




Our ADE L window will tell me which time of analysis it will perform as well as which output will be plotted. I will also save this information so that I can easily return to this in the future. I will do this by selecting the menu Session > Save State and then select Cellview.


final adeL


In order to simulate the circuit I will press the green play button on the side of the ADE L window. A window showing the Vin and Vout plots will pop up as well as a netlist.




I will regularly backup my labs by uploading them to my OneDrive.


onedrive backup


I will also keep a copy of my lab folders on my desktop and on an external storage device.


 desktop backup



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