Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Dominique Anguiano




Lab description

    The lab for this week consists of following part of Tutorial 1 up to a certain point and simply taking a few screenshots while progressing through the tutorial to place on the report.  In addition to this,  the first lab is meant to introduce us to Cadence and setting up and editing webpages.




                                                                            Image 1

The above image is from beginning of the tutorial which asks the user to create a new Library named "Tutorial_1".  This library contains the cell "R_div" which is what we were working on.


                                                                                  Image 2              


The above image is the menus that were seen while adding the components to the schematic.  In this image, I added the 10k resistor seen in the middle of the image and it's value was set in the window on the left.   




                                Image 3

This image is what the completed schematic looked like after adding all of the components.


                                                            Image 4


The Analog Design Enviroment seen in the image here is used to run a simulation by clicking on the green button.  This simulation is run with spectre and plots the values of the in and out voltages.



                                                                                        Image 5

The image seen above is the window that appeared after running the simulation and plots the voltages of both the input and output with respect to time.




Regular backups are needed to help prevent the regular loss of work in this class.  In order to do this, we can first download the files using mobaXterm and zip them to be uploaded regularly to  Google Drive.  The downloading of the files can be done by right-clicking the folder, which is seen in the image below.


                                        Image 6

The folder can then be uploaded to Google Drive as seen in the following image.



                                                Image 7

After the files were uploaded to drive, I added a v1 to end of the file name in order to indicate that it is the first backup of that project.  I also uploaded the image files as well as the .htm file in a seperate zip file to back up those files as well.




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