Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Cassandra Williams

August 31, 2015




- First request log-in information and account access for CMOSedu.

- Second, request log-in and account information for Cadence.

- Read through web editing tutorials

Lab 1:

-This lab follows through the first part of Tutorial 1 for the use and navigation  of Cadence from the CMOSedu website.  Also, this lab is designed to help us learn and get familiar with editing web pages.

- Basic steps are followed to build a schematic and do an analysis using Cadence.

-Then information is published to our Lab webpage.

-Finally proof and steps to take in backing up all work is shown..


I. Setting up Tools for lab:

- MobaXterm:  All necessary files and libraries were down loaded.


- UNLV's Cadence server account set up.  Below you can see libraries added, including thie Tutorial 1 for this lab.


-Publishing steps taken for Lab report to be published under Lab1 file.

II. Utilizing tools in Cadence:


-First we built a simple circuit utilizing component directories.  We ran a transient analysis seen in the image below.

-You can see the netlist, schematic, and  graph shown below.

Below is closer look at the simulation results from the above circuit...





 II. Backing up Report files

- Below are steps taken to back up and save my work in case of a data-loss disaster...


1. Saving to a file on my labtop


2. Emailing myself the saved file of work...


3. Also the files are all saved to my flashdrive as shown below...




-This lab was very helpful in teaching how to navigate through and use different tools in Cadence as well as publishing to a webpage, and the importance of backing work up.

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