Lab 1 - EE 421L 

Authored by Luis Soriano,


Date: August 31, 2015


Lab description:

The following lab is to describe the first part of Tutorial 1, which explains how to install MobaXterm and set up Cadence Virtuoso. Also, it is to show how to backup files for future labs or in case of failures.


Part 1 - Tutorial 1

First, we have to download the NCSU Cadence Design Kit version 1.6.0 beta by using a edu email account and requesting it from NCSU CDK. Then, extract the contents to the desktop, and upload the contents to your MobaXterm (see below). To login,  one should use the command "ssh -Y" requested from Dr. Greg using rebelmail account.


imag2.JPG imag1.JPG

 In the home direcitory, we should modify the .bashrc file by adding the following line:


export CDS_Netlisting_Mode=Analog

export CDS_LOAD_ENV=CWDElseHome

export CDK_DIR=$HOME/ncsu-cdk-1.6.0.beta 


Then, in the terminal window, type ". .bashrc" to resource the file.

After that, we must add and modify some files from NCSU CDK copied to our CMOSedu file. as seen below. 




After defining libraries in the cds.lib file (analogLib, functional, and sbaLib), we are ready to start Cadence Virtuoso by typing the command "virtuoso &" in the terminal window (one should be in the CMOSedu directory before starting Cadence)




The following windows will appear (see below). The top window is the Library manager and the bottom one is the Command Interpreter Window (CIW).




The tutorial teach us the basic features of Cadence by designing a simple circuit.

To begin, we create a new library called Tutroail_1, and select the AMI 0.06u C5N process under Technology Library. (File->New->Library)




Remember that new library files should be appear defined in the cds.lib file.




We will now create the schematic for our circuit by selecting File->New->Cell View. The cell is called R_div, type: schematic.




In the new window, components will be added (instances) by selecting Create-> Instance or by pressing 'i'.




We select our components (resistors, voltage, and ground for this case) from the "NCSU_Analog_Parts" library. Next, the add wires and label them. Our final circuit looks as below.




Now, "save and check" the circuit and let's simulate it.

Go to Launch ->ADE L



The Analog Desing Enviroment (ADE) appears as seen above on left. Then, we set our simulator to "spectre" (above on right) and, for this circuit, we chosse a transient analysis for 1 second (above on right). Finally, we choose the signals that will be plotted. For this case, the wires labeled 'in' and 'out' (see below)




After that, we have to save the state as cell view option, and then simulate the circuit by pressing "Netlist and Run" button in the ADE window. The simulation looks as shown below.




Part 2 - Bak up your work

It is necessary to backup all your work in case the system crashes. First, you can download your work on the desktop and zip it. Four different ways to backup the file is to save it in your laptop, in a flashdrive, email it to yourself, and in your personal cloud storage such as google drive, dropbox, etc. (seen below)


imag14.JPG  imag15.JPG   imag16.JPG 


And this ends our short tutorial on how to setup cadence, use basic features, and back up our work  for future labs or in case of failure.     

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