Project - EE 421L 

Authored by Steven Leung




Lab description

    The final project includes the schematics and simulations of the following circuits:

 25 K Resistor


  Below are a few screenshots showing the schematic and simulations for a 25 k resistor.


25K Resistor schematic

Symbol created for 25k Resistor

Simulation Circuit

Simulation Results

  I used a DC sweep from 0 to 5 V on one side of the 25k resistor to simulate the functionality of the reisitor. The results are expected, there is no current through the resistor when the source is 0 V and when the source is 5 V, there is 200 uA flowing through the resistor. 




Voltage divider


 My voltage divider includes a 25k followed by a 10k resistor. The following pictures below show the schematic and symbol for a 10k resistor. 



10K Resistor Schematic

10K Resistor Symbol

The following picture is the schematic and simulation results for the 25k, 10k voltage divider. The input is 5 V and the expected output is 5*(10K)/(10K+25K) = 1.429V.


Voltage divider symbol

Simulation Schematic

Simulatoin results



 NMOS Transistor 


 Below is the schematic, symbol along with IV characteristic curves for a 6u/.6u NMOS transistor. 

Schematic for NMOS device

Simulation Circuit for NMOS Device

ID Versus VDS (Stepping VGS)

ID Versus VGS


PMOS Transistor


  Below is the schematic, symbol along with IV characteristic curves for a 6u/.6u PMOS transistor. 


Schematic for PMOS Device

Simulation Circuit for PMOS Device

ID Versus VSD (Stepping VSG)

ID Versus VSG



Inverter with 6u/.6u NMOS and 12u/.6u PMOS


 Below is the schematic and simulation of a 12u/6u inverter. 


Inverter Schematic

Inverter Symbol/Simulation Schematic

Simulation Results



 From the simulation results, we can see that the output of the inverter is inverted compared to the input at all times. 




 NAND/NOR gate with 6u/.6u transistors


 Below is the schematics and simulations for bot the NAND and NOR gate. 



NAND Gate Schematic

NOR Gate Schematic

Simulation of NAND and NOR gate

Simulation Results
 The simulation of the NAND and NOR gate consisted of feeding all 4 possible combinations of the inputs to each gate (00,01,10,11). The results are as expected, the only time tha tthe NAND output is low is when bot input signals are high (11) and the only time that the NOR gate output is high is when both inputs are low (00).

31 Stage Oscillator
 Below is the schematic and simulatino of a 31 stage ring oscillator with an output buffer driving a 20pF load. The 2 inverters outside the inverter array are used as an output buffer so that the oscillator can drive a 20pF load. From the simulation we cna see that period of the oscillator is about 5ns which translates to a frequency of  200Mhz.


Simulation of Ring Oscillator

Simulation Results
 8-Bit Resettable Up/Down Counter


 The basic building block of a Resettable Up/Down counter is a D flip flop with a clear. Below are the pictures showing a D flip flop with a clear and the simulations.


Schematic of resettable DFF

Simulation Circuit for DFF






 Below are pictures showing the cells building upon the DFF to create an up/down counter. 


Single Bit of Up/Down Counter

Schematic/Simulation of 8 Bit Up/Down Counter
 To go from a single bit up/down counter to the 8 bit counter, simply create a symbol for the 1 single bit and instantiate it 8 times. Then create a symbol of the single bit instantiated 8 times go have a symbol for a 8 bit up/down counter.
The functionality of the up/down counter is that when an input signal high (VDD)  is fed into the "UP" input, the counter will count up. When a input signal low (GND) is fed into the "UP" input, the counter will count down. Also whenever a high is fed into the CLR, the counter will clear all it's registers to 0 and start up or down counting from 0 once the CLR signal goes low.
 Below are the simulations showing the counter counting up, down, and clearing.

Counter Counting up to 255 (largest possible value)

Counter Counting Up and Down

Counter Counting Up followed by CLR


Below are the layouts to the cells shown above



Voltage divider




Voltage divider LVS

Extracted (Showing the resistance values)










NMOS Extracted

PMOS Extracted






12/6 Inverter LVS

12/6 Extracted



NAND Extracted

NOR Extracted



Ring Oscillator w/ 20pF buffer



Ring Oscillator LVS

Up/Down Counter

Single flip flop



Flip Flop Layout





 1 bit Up/Down counter 



1  Bit Up/Down Layout






8 bit Up/Down Counter



Zoomed in 8 bit Up/Down Counter

Full 8 bit Up/Down Counter





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