Lab 4 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Steven Leung

Today's date 9/23/15

Pre-lab work


Lab description


The first part of this lab is to plot IV characteristic curves for NMOS and PMOS device. The NMOS device will be 6u/600n and the PMOS device will be 12u/600n.


 Below shows the ID v. VDS (SD) and ID v. VGS (VSG) curves for NMOS and PMOS devices and the schematic to achieve this. 


ID versus VSD

ID versus VSD (VGS stepping from 0 to 5 V)

ID versus VGS

ID versus VGS

ID versus VSD

ID versus VSD (VSG sweeping from 0 to 5 V)

ID versus VSG

ID versus VSG
 Below includes the layout of the PMOS and NMOS devices.

Before laying out the NMOS and PMOS devices we have to first layout the pad.
.Pad Schematic
 Pad Symbol

Pad layout



Full Layout

Layout zoomed in


DRC pass with no errors

LVS pass (netlist match)





 Below is the layout for the PMOS device



Full view layout

Zoomed in layout


DRC pass with no errors

LVS Pass (netlist match)




Design files are here



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