EE 421L - Final Project
Generating a Test Chip Layout for Submission to MOSIS for Fabrication

Jonathan K DeBoy
2 November 2015
Lab Files


Fabricated using the C5 process through MOSIS.

First half of the project (no layout, just schematics and symbols), of your design and an html report detailing operation (including simulations), is due at the beginning of lab on Nov. 9

Ensure that you have schematics with simulations for all of the cells listed below.

Your up/down counter, for example, should be simulated showing, counting up, down, or both, resetting then counting, etc.

Put your report (proj.htm) in a folder called /proj in your directory at CMOSedu.  

Dr. Baker will go over your designs with you, including running simulations, when lab meets on Nov. 9.

Second half of the project, a verified layout and documention (in html), is due at the beginning of lab on Nov. 23.

Again, I will meet with you on Nov. 23 to go over your layout and, again, put your report in the /proj folder in your directory at CMOSedu.  

Ensure that there is a link on your project report webpage to your zipped design directory.  

Finishing the projects by Nov. 23 will give us time to assemble chips for fabrication through MOSIS. 


Resistor Voltage Divider






NAND and NOR Gates


31 Stage Ring Oscillator

Buffer used to drive the 20pF load.

31 Stage Ring Oscillator with Output Buffer.

Test Schematic


8 Bit Loadable, Asynchronous Clear/Set, Up Down Counter

Above is the simulation of the D flip flop properly latching and operating with the asynchronous clear/set.



1bit Counter Cell:


8 bit Counter


Schematic used to simulate the 8bit Counter

Starting from a clear, counting all the way up from 0 to 255.

  Starting from a clear, counting all the way down from 0 to 0 (wrap around from first 0 to 255)

Loading input of 01010101 and then counting up and switching to counting down.

Enable, and asynchronous clear and set test.


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