Lab 6 - ECE 421L 

Ting Yu,


October 17, 2014


Lab description: Design, layout, and simulation of a CMOS NAND gate, XOR gate, and Full-Adder.


Go through Tutorial 4 from here


Create a new schematic for NAND gate. Lay it out with pmos and nmos. It should look like the following.


Create a new symbol


Open the layout view. To get rid of the pins in the middle of the nmos. Select the first and second nmos. Go to edit->hierarchy->flatten. Unselect preserve pins geometries. Select flatten pcells, and flatten vias. Delete the vias and metal 1 in the middle. The new layout should look like the following. 


DRC and LVS for no error


Simulate the NAND gate. Create a new schematic. 


Start ADE-L. Go to setup->model to include the following models


Set Analog Stimuli for Global sources


Set the source parameter as the following


Set Analyses to tran and let it run for 100ns


Press run. You should get the following result.



Main lab:


Lastly, back up all the files of Lab6