Lab 5 - ECE 421L
Now repeat the steps for a 48u/24u inverter by copying the 12u/6u inverter and make changes.
Schematic should look like the following.
Then create symbol view and the layout view like the following
DRC and LVS for no errors.
Now open up the 12u/6u schematic and add component like the following.
Launch ADE-L. Go to Setup include Model and select the following.
Simulation should look like the following
Next, in the ADE, select Setup -> Stimuli and the parameters seen below.
Hit OK and run simulation.
Main Lab:
SPICE simulation of 12u/6u:
100 fF
1 pF
10 pF
100 pF
Conclusion: As the capacitor value increase the delay for the inverted input to propagate to the output increase. Therefore, inverter have a limitation on what capacitance it can drive.
SPICE simulation of 48u/24u:
100 fF
1 pF
10 pF
100 pF
Conclusion: As the capacitor value increase the delay for the inverted input to propagate to the output increase. Therefore, inverter have a limitation on what capacitance it can drive. The 48u/24u inverter with 4 multiplier set in the parameter in PMOS and NMOS allow the transistor to handle driving larger capaciance better. It improve the performance of inverter by reducing the time delay.
UltraSim simulation of 12u/6u:
100 fFUltraSim simulation of 48u/24u:
100 fF
1 pF
10 pF
100 pF
Conclusion: the result of both Ultrasim simulation is very similar to the SPICE simulation.
Lastly, back up all the files of lab5.