Lab 07 - ECE 421L
next, create a symbol for the cscematic something like the following
using this symbol create a simulation, and schematic. also, all four
inverters' inputs are tied together to an input pulse source. then the
out<0> is not connected to a load while out<3> is connected
to a 100fF load, and more or less that the out<1> is connected to
a 1 pF load while out<2> is connected to a 500 fF load. seen the
image showing below.
next, we can simulate this function, however see schematic and the simulation result below.
next, we can simulate this function, however see schematic and the simulation result below.
next, we can simulate this function, however see schematic and the simulation result below.
next, we can simulate this function, however see schematic and the simulation result below.
next, create the 8-bit mux and demux component
first, create a one bit mux, so see the completed schematic and symbol below.
next, we can make 8-bit mux, so see complated schematic and symbol below.
next, time make simulation, see the schematic and result image below.
observation, B is outputted when S is low, and A is outputted when S is high.
next, doing demux just convert the mux int a demux by changing output to input, and input to output. see the complated schematic and sumulation result below.
now, create 8-bit full adder, see the complated schematic and symbol of 8-bit full adder the image below
now, create layout for this schematic, see the image of completed layout below. it pass drc, but fail lvs
next, to test 8-bit full addeer functins worku or not, however it work see completed result, the image below.
comment on lab7 we are familer the basic component about adder, that make as learn somting.
backup the lab7 and e-mail it my self