Lab 06 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Worku, Yetneberk


NHSE ID 1007208058


Pre-Lab six

Back-up all of your work, and go through cadence tutorial 4

Post lab 6

the purpose of this lab is to design, layouot, and simulation of a cmos nand gate, xorgate, and full-adder.

first, copy the files in lab5 to lab6, and create a nand gate then use the mosfets (both nmos and pmos) value to 6u/0.6u.

now, use those nmos and pmos again then by instances and wire it up as seen image below, finally, add one more input name it B, and change the output to AnandB see the image below.


next, create the nand symbol bye doing create---->>cellview--->>from cellview; the created symbol see the image below.


next, create the layout of the component, by modified the inverter form the previous lab, then delete metal1 and contacts between the two nmos. add metal1 to gnd!, vdd!, and connect the drains to the two pmos to the drain of the nmos. also, add a pin to output name it AnandB, and see final layout the image below.


next, extracting and lvs. see the result image below



next, simulate the NAND gate, by createing a new cell view schematic for the simulation. i have chosen 20ns and 40ns periods. see the schematic image below.

next, create a new cell view schematic for the simulation nand gate, see the image below


Second, create xor gate

next,  the check and save; completed schematic image showing below


next, simulate the XOR gate, by createing a new cell view schematic for the simulation. see the image below.


next, create the layout for xor, then check DRC. completed layout see the image below.


next, extract the layout and lvs it with the schematic, that must be much. see image below.


next, time to create nand and xor gate. the nand and xor designed similar to the schematic; also, the simulation result the image showing below.


next, creating the full adder. we have the nand and xor gates, so see the completed schematic, and symbol of the full adder showing below.


next, now we sumulate full addeer, the following truth table will our reference


next, based on the tuth table we will have three voltage sources for a, b, cin inputs. cin is output, and s is sum. here is the simulation schematic showing below


next, the simulation results as seen below.


next, for layout can use the xor and nand gate.


finally, comment about this lab i notice in the plot of the image output not perfectly square pulses, because there are delays for each gate.

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