Project - ECE 421L
by Silvestre Solano,
the lab final project, I will construct a schematic and a layout for a
simple 8-bit ALU.
ALU stands for "Arithmetic Logic Unit" and it essentially performs
addition, subtraction, bitwise OR, and bitwise AND operations.To
perform these operations, the 8-bit versions of the CMOS full
adder, AND gate, OR gate, and the 2 to 1 MUX designed in lab 7 will be used.
addition, bitwise OR, and bitwise AND operations are easy and
straightforward to implement. However, the subtraction operation
requires more thought.
In order to subtract numbers in the form of A-B, the B bits will have
to be represented as a negative number. One way to do this is
to use 2's complement numbers. In 2's complement, the leftmost
bit, which would be considered the MSB in unsigned binary, is used as
the sign bit. A leftmost 0 would indicate a positive number and a
leftmost 1 would represent a negative number. In orderto convert an
unsigned number into its negative 2's complement representation, the
unsigned number must be inverted bitwise and then a LSB 1 must be
added. For example, 00000001
represents 1 in unsigned binary and to converted into 2's complement it
will be inverted to 11111110, and then 1 will be added to create
11111111, which represents -1 in 2's complement. Adding the unsigned
00000001 and signed 11111111 yields 00000000 (1-1=0) if the carry out
is ignored. When adding in 2's complement, the carry out must be
ignored. 2's complement gives the correct result unless overflow
occurs. Overflow occurs when a number requires more bits than are
available. For this ALU, overflow will occur when 9 bits are needed to
represent any number. In 2's complement, the maximum range of negative
numbers that can be used without overflow follows the
. For 8 bits, this corresponds to the number -127. To accomplish this
in the ALU, a full adder must have its B bits inverted and its carry
in, Cin, must be set to a logic 1.
schematic is fairly easy to construct considering the fact that 95% of
it was finished in lab 7. My original idea for the ALU was to use the
8-bit AND, OR, inverter, and 2 full adders with 3 cascaded MUX as shown
much thought however, I decided to modify the above ALU so that it
would only require the use of one 8-bit full adder. The reason for my
modification is that I realized that I would eventually have to layout
the above schematic. I REALLY did not want to layout and wire 2 8-bit
full adders as my original design indicated. So I changed it to the ALU
shown below, which is my final design.
the above ALU, the "Cout8" carry out is not used. In theory, I could
have used it to indicate overflow or to display the 9th bit in an
overflow situation, but I decided not to use it because it can be
confusing when dealing with 2's complement numbers. As explained
before, the carry out in 2's complement addition is ignored in order to
display the correct results. So, I thought it would be confusing to
display the carry out when it should not be displayed for correct
Since this ALU design does not use the carry out, it is designed with
the assumption that the given 8-bit A and B inputs will not cause an
overflow situation. If they do, then the ALU will not display the
correct results.
For the 3 MUX, the
operation of the F1 and F2 bits are shown in the table below. The top
MUX chooses between AND and OR operations and has its selection bit
(F2) connected to the selection bit of the bottom MUX. The middle, or
rightmost MUX has the selection bit of F1 and chooses between the full
adder and the bottom MUX. The bottom MUX inverts the B bits for 2's
complement addition (subtraction). The F2 bit feeds into the Cin of the
full adder. As seen in the table below, when F2 is 0, addition is
choosen and when F2 is 1, subtraction is choosen (assuming F1 is 0 for
both cases). Therefore, the selection F2 bit is a 1 for Cin
in order for the 2's complement addition (subtraction) to work as
explained previously. For addition, the F2 is 0, which works perfectly
for addition.
F1 F2 | Operation |
0 0 | Addition |
0 1 | Subtraction |
1 0 | AND |
1 1 | OR |
A symbol is created for the above ALU and is shown below.
simulation circuit is built as shown below. Please note that A<1>
represents the LSB and A<8> represents the MSB. Same goes for the
B bits.
the first simulation, I will use the numbers A=10010010 (146) and
B=00111010 (58). These bits can be seen in the pulse sources of the
simulation schematic shown above. The below table shows the expected results from the simulation of the ALU for these bits.
The F1 and F2 selection bits are simulated using pulse sources that
vary in order to cycle between all possible combinations of F1 and F2
(00, 01, 10, 11).
F1 F2 | Z |
00 (A+B) | 11001100 (204) |
01 (A-B) | 01011000 (88) |
10 (A AND B) | 00010010 |
11 (A OR B) | 10111010 |
actual results of the simulation are shown below and appear to match
the above table. Again, please be aware that Z<8> is the MSB and
Z<1> is the LSB.
second simulation involves the following input bits A=01111111 and
B=01111111 which are both 127. I choose this number because I stated
previously that -127 is the maximum negative number that can be used
without causing overflow. The expected results are shown in the table
F1 F2 | Z |
00 (A+B) | 11111110 (254) |
01 (A-B) | 00000000 (0) |
10 (A AND B) | 01111111 |
11 (A OR B) | 01111111 |
The actual simulation results are shown below.
last but not least, I will use the input bits of A=01111110 (126) and
B=01111111 (127). The reason for choosing these numbers is that their
subtraction will create the number -1, which will be displayed in its
2's complement form of 11111111. The table below shows the expected
F1 F2 | Z |
00 (A+B) | 11111101 (253) |
01 (A-B) | 11111111 (-1) |
10 (A AND B) | 01111110 |
11 (A OR B) | 01111111 |
The actual simulation results are shown below.
This concludes the schematic and simulation portion of the ALU project.
begin the layout, I decided to lay out 8-bit versions of the AND, OR,
inverter, and the 2-to-1 MUX. The 8-bit layout of the full adder was
already done in Lab 7. Below illustrates the correctly LVS 8-bit AND, OR, inverter, and the 2-to-1 MUX layouts
8-bit AND
8-bit OR
8-bit 2-to-1 MUX
8-bit inverter
the above layouts in combination with the previously constructed 8-bit
full adder, I will create a layout for the 8-bit ALU. Below shows the
needed 8-bit layouts.
spending my entire Saturday afternoon in the TBE-311 Lab, I was able to
connect everything together as shown below, with the CWI showing no
errors for DRC. Please note that the inputs and outputs of the 8-bit
ALU are made with metal3.
"The UZI 9mm"
The extracted view is shown below.
The LVS passed with no errors and matching net lists as shown below.
A zoomed in view of the inverters section of the total layout is shown below.
OR and AND gates are shown below. They share the same VDD strip (ntap)
and the OR gates were flipped vertically and are stacked on top of the
AND gates.
Next, the two MUX who share the same select bit, F2, are shown below in a similar arrangement as the OR and AND gates.
The 8-bit full adder is shown below with the total layout.
The connection of the F2 select bit with the 8-bit full adder cin is shown below in better detail. It is connected with metal3.
last MUX that has the F1 select bit is shown below, the output bus can
be seen to the right. The F1 select connection can be seen in the
bottom left hand corner.
mentioned before, the inputs (A,B,F1,F2) and the output (Z), are made
with metal3 for possible manufacture. They are shown below.
The final size measurements are shown below.
This essentially concludes the 8-bit ALU project.
As always, I will back up my work to my laptop and flash drive as shown below.
The files created for this project can be found in this zip file.
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