Lab 6 - ECE 421L 

Authored by, Vincent Ibanez


Today's date 10/12/2014



Tutorial 4 – Design, layout, and simulation of a CMOS NAND gate


In this tutorial we designed, layout, and simulated the operation of a NAND gate.

Instead of using the nmos cell in the layout we constructed our nmos device using rectangles on various layers.


Copy the library, Tutorial_3, into a new library called Tutorial_4.

Ensure, when you copy, that “update instances” is selected so that the new library doesn’t reference cells in the other libraries.


Next copy the inverter cell into a cell called nand2 (a 2-input NAND gate).

This is (or may be) useful since we can copy the symbols already in the cell to generate the circuit or layout that we want.

Finally, copying from one cell to generate a different cell will present other issues that should be discussed.




Open the nand schematic Cell View and draft the schematic of a NAND gate seen below.

Note that now the widths of the PMOS are also 6 um.

Check and Save your design. Notice the markers (information on what they indicate is found under the Check -> Find Markers menu).

These markers are the result of the symbol not matching the schematic (remember we copied the inverter cell to make this nand cell).




Using the Library Manager delete the symbol view of the nand gate (which is the symbol copied from the inverter).

Check and Save the schematic.


Let’s create a symbol for this gate.

Use Create -> Cell View -> From Cell View to create the symbol for the NAND gate seen below.

Click Yes to overwrite siminfo and add/update inherited parameters… (resulting from copying inverter to nand at the beginning of the tutorial)




Delete everything in the symbol except for the pins.

Draw a NAND symbol similar to what is seen below using the menu items found under Create.

When finished Check and Save the symbol.




Let’s simulate the operation of this gate.


Make a schematic view of a cell called sim_nand2_tran and draft the following.

Again, as discussed in the last tutorial, if the vdd and NAND symbols overlap the schematic won’t check and save without errors.




Detailed information on setting up the pulse source seen in this schematic is seen below.




Open the ADE and set the models (Setup -> Model Libraries).




Set vdd! to 5 V via Setup -> Stimuli




Next, select the outputs to plot (Outputs -> To Be Plotted -> Select On Schematic).




Finally, set the Analysis to a transient then Save the State.




After Saving the state (Cellview) Netlisting and Running gives the following (using the Strip Chart Mode circled below)




Close, and save, all open Cell Views.


Next, use the Library Manager to open the nand layout cell view (which shows the inverter, since we copied it at the beginning of the tutorial).




Delete the metal1 and Ai pin connecting the drains of the MOSFETs.

Delete the metal1 connecting the source to the ptap then delete the gnd! pin.

Move the ptap to the left side of the layout.

DRC the layout (which should look like something like what is seen below) to ensure no errors.




Next delete the metal1 from the ntap to the source of the PMOS and delete the vdd! pin

Copy the pmos cell as seen below.




Move the right pmos until it overlaps the left pmos as seen below.

Change the ntap cell so that it has 5 columns of contacts.

DRC the layout.




Next change the ptap cell so that it has 5 columns of contacts.

Move the ptap cell so that it is under the nmos cell.

Zoom in around the bottom of the layout.




Now we can copy a second nmos and overlap it with the first, like we did above for the PMOS (do this now).

Let’s also move the m1_poly and A pin over adjacent to the vertical poly and add a poly rectangle, m1_poly, and B pin (input) for the added PMOS.

Ensure that pin names are showing, the pins are added on metal1. Let’s go ahead and add pins (inputOutput) for vdd! and gnd! while we are at it.

The result is seen below.




We don’t need the metal in between the two MOSFETs.

Select both MOSFETs then flatten them (makes it so the nmos cells are no longer cells but rather rectangles in the layout).

De-select Preserve Pins Geometries.

This ensures that the geometric information of flattened pins is not preserved.

We don’t want pins or the pin information in our layout. We want the flattened cells, the rectangles, placed as if we drew them.






Delete the metal1 and contacts between the two nmos.

Add metal1 to gnd!, vdd! (two places), and connect the drains of the two pmos to the drain of the nmos.

Finally, add a pin, AnandB (output direction) as seen below for the final layout.

DRC the layout.




Extract the layout and open the extracted view with the Library Manager.

Run the LVS.




To show the layout and schematic match.




Save and close everything. This concludes Tutorial 4.

Main Lab:


Finally, we backed up our design directory and other files for future study.

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