EE 420L
Analog Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory
Laboratory Report 9: Design of a Beta-Multiplier Reference (BMR) using the CD4007 CMOS Transistor Array


AUTHOR: Bryan Kerstetter


APRIL 23, 2019

General Overview
This laboratory regards the design and implementation of a Beta-Multiplier Reference (BMR). A BMR is a voltage and current reference. The structure of a BMR can be described by a NMOS and PMOS current mirror that are cascoded. A BMR includes a resistor R that is tied low and a MOSFET with a β multiplication of K (β*K). The R and K values determine the behavior of the BMR. A general topology of a BMR can be seen in Figure 1.


Figure 1


Laboratory 8 regarded the characterization of the CD4007 Transistor Array. The characterization resulted in the following two LTspcie models. These models will be used to design a BMR in LTspice before implementation.



* Level=1 models of CD4007 Transistor Array




+ TOX = 17.25e-9    VT0 = 1.6     KP = 6u

+ LAMBDA = 0.010    GAMMA = .01




+ TOX = 17.25e-9    VT0 = -1.5   KP = 5u

+ LAMBDA = 0.030    GAMMA = .5

We must design a BMR using the CD4007 transistor array. This BMR should have a . This is our BMR design requirement. We must prescribe R and K values that result in this design requirement. Therefore, we must determine the reference current that produces the needed trans-conductance.



Now we may find the reference current with the following parameters:





The reference current of a BMR can be defined by,


Where  and  can be developed from the square law equations such that






The bias current or the reference current can be determined from the resistance value R. Therefore, we may set  by  determining a value for R. We may find this value by solving for R.





k = 2                                                                                        [16]






Allowing us to design the following circuit as seen in Figure 2. The purpose of resistor R2 is the start-up circuit as it provides little current to ensure the BMR is functional. Two NMOSs in parallel provide a beta-multiplication of 2 (widths of MOSFETs add together). Figure 3 and 4 demonstrate the simulation results of our beta-multiplier design.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

The resistance value R1 can then be adjusted to 32kΩ. This resistance change allows for design were the correct  is achieved. Figures 5 and 6 show the simulation results with a R1 resistance value of 32kΩ.

Figure 5

Figure 6

Operation as VDD sweeps from 0 to 10V

Figure 7

Previously in EE 420: Homework 11, we saw that if the decoupling capacitors are too small the circuit becomes unstable.

NOTE:  This question uses the MOSFETs as given by the Long Channel Process in Dr. Baker’s CMOS book.

Figure 8: Problem 20.10 in Dr. Baker’s CMOS book

Without reducing the size of MCP and MCN.

Figure 9

DC Sweep from 0-2 V of VDD.

Figure 10

Transient simulation for 500ns.

Figure 11

Capacitor size reduced to 100n/100n.

Figure 12

DC Sweep from 0-2 V of VDD.

Figure 13

Transient simulation for 500ns.

Figure 14

As seen above, the circuit becomes unstable.

Now, we may go back to our BMR design and attempt to make our design unstable. Adding decoupling capacitors to our recently designed circuit.    

Figure 15

Figure 16

Now we may try to add a large shunt capacitance to see if the circuit becomes unstable.

Figure 17

Figure 18

The circuit does not become unstable. However, we saw earlier that the beta multiplier can be unstable. It is assumed that our spice models are two rudimentary to accommodate the desired unstableness.

Description of Laboratory Procedures

The circuit as seen in Figure 19 depict the circuitry implemented on the breadboard (Figure 20). The entire BMR and current mirrors was implemented on two CD4007 transistor arrays. Unfortunately, there were no more CD4007 chips. Therefore, we had to implement the cascoded current mirrors on four CD4007UB chips. Using both CD4007 and CD4007UB chips will result in a current mismatch. To characterize the current mirrors and cascoded current mirrors we will vary the voltage across the mirrors and inspect the drain currents in the mirror.

Figure 19

Figure 20

Experimental Reference Voltages

Table 1




VrefN (V)



VrefP (V)




In Table 1, we see that our reference voltages observed in LTspice and our experimental results are in agreement.


Current Mirror Characterizations

In Figures 21-24, one can see the current mirror characterizations that were executed. On the right-hand side of each image, one may see our experimental results. Whereas, on the left-hand side, one may see the LTspice simulation output. There are differences between our LTspice and experimental results. This discrepancy is due to a current mismatch. This current mismatch is most likely attributed to using both CD4007 and CD4007UB chips (as mentioned previously).




NMOS Current Mirror

Figure 21


PMOS Current Mirror

Figure 22


NMOS Cascoded Current Mirror

Figure 23


PMOS Cascoded Current Mirror

Figure 24



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