Lab 1 - ECE 420L
Vouts magnitude (green) and phase shift (red) hand calculations shown above.
Fig 1.22 circuit schematic
**Note: Due to 1uF being used rather than the 1pF, simulation was altered
to produce relatively identical waveforms**
Hand calcs to find delay and rise times
Only td derivation shown since method
for deriving tr is similar
Simulation confirming hand calculated results
Waveform matching simulation results
Revisit Fig 1.21 and performig frequency sweep.
f3db calculated by hand. it is the frequency
which causes real and imaginary contributions to be equal
Frequency (Hz) | Magnitude (Volts) | Phase (degrees) | (dB) |
16 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
160 | 0.7 | 45 | -3 |
1.6K | 0.1 | 90 | -20 |
Critical values displayed to represent behavior of RC circuit
From comparing experiment 1 and 2 we see that the adition of a capacitor parallel to the resistor greatly
reduced the phase shift, but did not have much effect on the magnitude.
Experiment 3 showed how a capacitor responds to a sudden change in voltge, specifically examining
the time required to reach critical points when charging.
Experiment 4 reviewed our good friend the frequency sweep. While transfer functions (Vin vs Vout) are ever popular in
power analysis, Frequency sweeps are used relentlessly in the analysis of systems.