X - ECE 421L
by Worku, Yetneberk
date 02/08/14
description and Discussions of Scope probe
A. Scope
waveforms of 10:1 probe are undercomensated, overcompensated, and
compensated; showing consequently as the following.

1. showing on LTspice simulation of a 10:1 scope probe with no scope

a. using hand calculations

2. showing LTspice of a simulation of 10:1 probe with overcompansated

3. showing LTspice simulation of a 10:1 probe with undercompansated

4. showing LTspice simulation of a 10:1 probe with compansated

B. This is the draft schematic of a 10:1 scope probe

Finally, compansated, undercompansted, or overcompansted will happen
by changing the Capacitance values, or by switching the probe tip
has switch, for example need to set the scope input to be 0.1 of the
test point, then turn to 10x side. Also, use circuit analysis and make
some assumptions; the hand calculations show as

Experiments by using Comensated scope probe
The first experiments using a scope, pulse generator, and a resistor to
measure the capacitance of a length of cable. using the figure below,
can get input and output of transient result, then measure the td(time
delay). td=0.7RC, so C=td/0.7R

however, we can use the capacitance meter to measure the cable capacitance for comparing with the simulation result.
we can connect the cable to implement a test point on a PCB board after
adding a resistor and capacitor in parallel.
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