The Catalog Card Tutorial

Date: 4/20/20

By David Santiago – Email:

Last Edited on 4/22/20 at 11:55am using Word


This will be a quick tutorial on how to fill out the catalog card.


First, once you have received a link to the catalog card, beginning with[CatalogCardID], you will be greeted to the following page:


Figure 1, The Catalog Card (With some Prefilled lines)


You will notice that some stuff has been prefilled. Note that your Class cannot be changed. Why? UNLV has provided TBP Nevada Beta with your information, which was already sent to Headquarters at the beginning of the semester.


Please edit as you see fit.


NOTE: For the “Preferred Name,” by default leave this blank. Only fill this out if you do go by a different name.



Now, for this next part, you will see that we have some Personal Options:

Figure 2, Personal Options


Tau Beta Pi has a magazine! This is The Bent! The Initiation Member Fee includes a 4-yr subscription to The Bent, and you can upgrade to a Life Subscription if you want.

If you choose not to accept these offers, that is ok! You will still receive your 4-yr subscription. You can choose to upgrade or renew at a later time.

If you choose to accept one of the above offers, Tau Beta Pi National Headquarters (not Nevada Beta) will be contacting you!


For the Bent Key Option, you have an option to choose a Bent Charm (can go on a bracelet or necklace) or choose a Bent Pin (can go on a fancy suit for interviews ;)


If you have any questions, please email for help!