An ADC Hierarchy Tutorial in TowerJazz

Date: 01/02/20

By David Santiago – Email:

Last Edited on 01/03/20 at 6:29pm using Word


We are assigned to layout some cells for an ADC.


So for this layout, we will start with the SH cell. This is the most important cell in the four levels of hierarchy, as it is instantiated in ALL levels.

The goal will be to try to make this cell as user-friendly as possible, and also trying to make the substrate pins and VDD pins accessible from all angles.


Lets begin with the SH Cell


The beginning is a buffer stage, something that we have already laid out.

The goal will be trying to make the 2nd stage inputs/outputs accessible.


Here is the layout:

Click here for a high resolution pic




Second Level Hierarchy:

The reason we spent so much time making the first cell user friendly is so that it will be easier to instantiate this cell in future layouts.

This next layout did not take much time to wire at all.


Final Layout:

Click here for a high resolution pic





Third Level Hierarchy:

Now, lets wire up the next hierarchy:

The goal of the entire beginning of making the layout user friendly will definitely shine here.


Final Layout:

Click here for a high resolution pic





Fourth Level Hierarchy:


Now, for this, we will be using one instance of the third level layout and four instances of a Gate-Drain TIA.


Creating the TIA:



Now, placing this cell into our fourth level hierarchy layout:

Final Layout:

Click here for a high resolution pic





Fifth (Top) Level Hierarchy:


For this layout, we will use the fourth level layout and connect it with a small source follower.


Layout of a simple source follower:


VDD plane:

Click here for a high resolution pic


VSS Plane:

Click here for a high resolution pic


Sub Plane:

Click here for a high resolution pic


Final Size: 158μm x 225μm, 17 pins


Final Layout:

Click here for a high resolution pic


Final DRC:


Final LVS:


This completes the Hierarchal design of an ADC.