Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Ethan Yamamoto,


Lab Description: 

In this lab we were introduced to and practiced generating and posting html lab reports, and using Cadence.

Prelab Description: 

Prior to lab, I emailed Dr. Baker to receive my login and reviewed material on editing web pages.


Lab Results:

We start this lab by launching Cadence using virtuoso & in our unix terminal.
After launching, we are greeted by the library manager from which we create a
new library called "Tutorial_1" ensuring to attach the AMI 0.60u tech library.
In this library we made a new cell called R_div.
*The above image shows us right before clicking "OK" to create R_div file*

We can now add an instance to our schematic.   
*Adding 10k Resistor*

We added two 10k resistors, ground, and a 1V DC source. We then connected the circuit and labled our vin and vout nodes.
This was followed by a check and save for which we had no errors.
 *Picture after schematic is wired, labled, and check/saved*

Now that our ckt is setup we can run a .tran simulation on both our vin and vout nodes.
We made sure to save the state in case we wish the re-run the simulation later.
*Preperation and sim settings*

Once everthing is setup, we hit the green button and we get our results. 
*Simulation Results*
   In the case that my work were to be deleted I would be able to recover
  what was lost because everytime I complete a portion of work it is zipped and backed up to
  three locations. Those being my google drive, my local machine and seperate portable ssd.


 Drive backup local

 *Pictures of Drive and local backups*

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