Lab 7 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Ethan Yamamoto,


Lab Description: 

Using buses and arrays in the design of word inverters, muxes, and high-speed adders

Prelab Description: 

For this prelab I backed up all of my work, read through the lab and worked through tutorial 5.


 The above images show the ring oscillator using 31 NOT gates we made in Tutorial 5. 


Lab Results:

To begin, we created and simulated the schematics and symbols for the
 4-bit inverter and 2-to-1 mux/demux




 In our simulation for the inverter we can see how the different capacitive loads impact the rise/fall times of the  output.



 Using the ckt in it's MUX config, we can see that either A or B is passed to Z based on the select input


 In the DEMUX config. we see that Z is passed to A or B depending on the select input


 Now we will work with buses and arrays to create the schematic, symbol and simulate
 8-bit devices using 1-bit versions of the device.






 We can see that without the capacitive load in the 4-bit sim, all the inputs and outputs are the same.


 8-bit NAND

 We start by making the 1-bit 2 input NAND gate




 Now we can use arrays of the gate and buses to create an 8-bit version





 From our sim we can see that the output is only low when box inputs are high, as a NAND should function.



 8-bit AND

 Like before we begin with making the 1-bit version
 We will use a NOT on the NAND we already made to avoid
 making another gate entirely







 We can see that our AND preforms as expected only being high when both inputs are high.



 8-bit NOR







 Looking at the sim for the NOR gate we see it is only high when both input are low as expected


 8-bit OR







 Based on the simulation we can see the OR preformed as expected.


 8-bit DEMUX/MUX


 The above simulation shows the circuit operating as a MUX where the input A or the input B 
 is passed to Z based on the select input. We can also modify the inputs to use the ckt as a DEMUX.
 As stated above this circuit is now being used as a DEMUX, where Z is feed to either A or B
 based on the select input.


 8-bit Full Adder






 Here we are adding A = 00001111 and B = 11110000 with our carry-in = 0.
 This yields an output of S = 11111111 and Carry-out = 0 as demonstrated in the sim below


 We now know our circuit works so lets lay it out and DRC/LVS


 This is the layout of a single full adder. We will now string these togeather into an 8-bit adder




 As we can see our 8-bit FA layout returns a clean DRC and LVS.

As always I backed up my work. 

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