Lab 1 - EE 421L 

Authored by Cody Woolf


Today's date: 04Sep2023


Pre Lab:

The prelab required reaching out to Dr. Baker to recieve a account, downloading and installing Kompozer, and download the lab template.


Lab description:

This lab familiarizes us with using Cadence and Kompozer. This is accomplished by running a simulation, generating the lab report, and setting up the student webpage from which the lab reportwill be accessed. 


The first step was to launch Cadence by using the virtuoso & command in MobeXterm.

Step 1 

 The second was establishing the appropriate library.

Step 2

 For step 3, it was verified that the new library was defined.

Step 3

 Next, the tutorial was launched in cell view to create a schematic.

Step 4

 Then, using intance, place two resistors with resistance at 10kOhms.

Step 5

Step 6

 Next, a ground was placed.


 The next step required the addition of a voltage source.

Step 8

 Wires are then added to complete the circuit.

Step 9

 Now, the wires are named.

Step 10

 ADE L is selected from Launch.

Step 11

 Next, verify that the simulation will run in spectre by selecting Setup -> Simulator/Directory/Host.
Step 12

 Run transient analysis by selecting Analyses -> Choose. Select .tran and set end time and enable.

Step 13

 The next step required selecting Outputs -> To Be Plotted -> Select on Schematic. Then select the wires labeled in and out.

Step 14

 Ensure that the outputs to be plotted are selected on the ADE L window.

Step 15

 Prior to running the simulation, save the state for easier recall later.
Step 16

 Last, run simulation and collect results.
Step 17

 Backup of images accomplished by saving to desktop and emailing zip file to self.
Method 1
Method 2

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