Lab 5 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Dillon Thomas,



This lab focuses on the design, layout, and simulation of CMOS inverters

Prelab Work:

For the prelab we were to go through tutorial 3 which goes through the basics of a CMOS Inverter

First we create our schematic untilizing a 12u/0.6u PMOS and a 6u/0.6u NMOS device

Creating a symbol for this schematic

Completing a matching layout

Extracted View

LVS Completed

Simulation Schematic and simulation

We see in this we have no output as we did not add a Vdd to power the inverter. Adding this we get the schematic and simulation below.

Extracted simulation matches our schematic simulation


Lab Work:

For the lab portion we will make schematics, symbols, and layouts for 2 different inverters.

Following this we will do multiples simulations driving different capacitor values.

First for the 12u/6u inverter we can use the matching inverter from the tutorial above. We do the schematic, symbol, and layout, followed by DRC, extraction, and LVS.

Next we do the same for the 48u/24u inverter. We see that we use 4 12u/0.6u PMOS devices and 4 6u/0.6u NMOS devices to accomplish this.

We will now simulate the 12u/6u inverter driving a 100fF, 1pF, 10pF1 and 100pF capacitor using the Spectre simulator.

This ADE Setup for the following simulations (stop time will be adjusted accrding to capacitor value)

We see that we can no longer drive this capacitor at this speed. We adjust the pulse voltage source's period and simulation time to get the simulation below.

Making further adjustments for the 100pF capacitor

We see throughout the simualtions that as the capacitor value is increased the inverter cannot function at the same speeds. Slowing down the period of our input and increasing our simulation times allows

us to get a better idea of how fast the inverter can operate well when driving the given capacitor. 

Next we will complete the same simulations for the 48u/24u inverter. We will see that the same adjustments will need to be made as above.

In these simulations we see the same changes as with the 12u/6u inverter. As the capacitance is increased our inverter cannot drive the capacitor at the same speeds.

We can however note that the 48u/24u inverter using the wider PMOS and NMOS devices can drive the capacitors faster than the 12u/6u inverter. 

Using the 100pF capacitor simulations we see that the 12u/6u inverter can invert the output in around 450ns while the 48u/24u inverter can drive the 100pF capacitor 

 and invert the input in about 100ns.


Next we will do the same simulations using Cadence's Ultrasim simulator. 

First we simulate the 12u/6u inverter. The simualtions are in order 100fF,1pF,10pF, and lastly the 100pF capacitances.

We also make the same input and analyses adjustments as above.

We do the same with 48u/24u inverter.

We see with the Ultrasim simulator we get essentially the same outputs. Although, we can see that they are not as clean as the Spectre simulations as Ultrasim gives up some accuracy for speed.

The Cadence cells used for this lab can be downloaded with the follwoing link.

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