Lab 3 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Jalen Solis,

September 13, 2023




This prelab will focus on the completion of Tutorial 1


The last step we left off on was running the simulation of the n-well voltage divider:




The next step will be to create a symbol from the schematic:



Once we save & verify our design we can create a symbol:



Once we have our symbol we can create another schematic and implement our symbol:



To prove that our symbol works we can run another simulation and measure both the input and output voltages:


Comparing this plot with the previous one, we can see that the symbol we created does work correctly


To create an n-well resistor we must first place down the n-well:



Running DRC on this n-well will cause an error to appear:



To fix this issue we must increase the width by 0.1um:



Running the DRC again we see that the errors have been solved:



The next thing we will need to do is add ntaps to each side of the n-well:



Once the ntaps are added we must implement pins to each side using the metal1 layer:

Running DRC after adding pins gives us an error about the pins being on each other:
To solve this we must clasify the n-well as a resistor using the resistor layer over the top of the n-well:
After checking that there are no errors in our layout we can extract it and view the resistance of our n-well resistor:
Now that we have our resistor we can create another layout in order replicate the voltage divider schematic using n-wells:
We must extract our layout in order to run LVS:
The reason for this error is our pins are not labeled correctly:
Running LVS again we can see that our net-lists match:

After verifying that our net-lists match we can conclude tutorial 1

The purpose of this lab is to use the schematic of the 10 bit DAC we made in lab 2 to create the layout for the 10 bit DAC


For this lab we will be using the 10k resistor that we created from tutorial 1


Creation of N-Well


It is important to note how we created the 10k resistor


In order to calculate the resistance of the n-well we must use the formula:



Referencing the C5: 0.5 um process technology we can see what our R-square will be:



We can use this value as our constant and change the values of the length and width in order to find our targeted resistance:



NOTE: The R-square value does not seem to be the correct value as plugging in all values into the formula equals a resistance of 10,659 ohms which does not match the value shown in the image above. If we instead use a R-square of 819 ohms we get a more accurate resistance of 10,210.2 ohms. 


In order to verify the length and width of our n-well we can create a measurement using a ruler:



Using two rulers, we can mark the length and width of the n-well and verify if the values we inputted were correct:



Now we have the a 10k resistor ready to use to create our 10 bit DAC


3 Resistor Voltage Divider Layout


To create our layout for the 10 bit DAC we need to follow the same process we did when we created the schematic. This means that we can split up the DAC into two separate layouts that we will combine in the end. This makes it easier to spot and fix errors that may occur along the way as well as easier to construct as we can just copy and paste the same layout if need be. 


We can first focus on the voltage divider for the bits 9-1:



To construct this in a layout we need to place out three 10k resistors:


Next we need to attach each resistor using the metal1 layer:
The final step is to add pins to the layout and run the DRC to verify the layout has no errors:


We can now extract our layout:
With our layout extracted, we can run the LVS and see if our schematic matches our layout:

We are now able to use our layout for the 10 bit DAC
4 Resistor Voltage Divider Layout

Now that we have a layout for bits 9-1 we can focus on the layout for bit 0:



We will follow the same process and place multiple resistors out:

Again, we connect the resistors together with metal1 layers:
Finally, we add pins to the layout that match the ones from the schematic and run the DRC to check for errors:
Once we have our layout with no errors, we can extract it:
Now that we have our extracted layout we can LVS our design and see if this layout matches our schematic:
We are now able to use this layout for the 10 bit DAC
10 Bit DAC Layout
We can now start the full layout of the 10 bit DAC from the schematic:

We will place both layouts we created and connect them with metal1 layers:
For the rest of the bits we will be be using the first layout we created with the three resistors:
Once we have our fully constructed layout of the 10 bit DAC we can run the DRC and check for errors:

With no errors we can extract the layout:
Finally with the layout, extracted layout, and schematic of the 10 bit DAC we can run the LVS and see if our fully constructed layout matches the schematic:

We see that the layout we created does match our schematic we created in the last lab
Lab 3 10-Bit DAC Design:

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