Lab 2 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Edgar Rodriguez Nevares,

September 6, 2023


Lab Purpose

The purpose of Lab 2 is to utilize n-well resistors in order to create 10-bit Digital to Analog Converters.


Pre-lab work


The pre-lab instructed us to first download file and then upload and unzip the file in the CMOSedu directory within Cadence.



The next step was to Define lab2 folder within cds.lib by navigating to the file with the CMOSedu directory and editing the text by adding the file location.



After defining the lab2 folder, I opened up Cadence and loaded the schematic using the Library Manager.



The schematic for an Ideal 10-bit ADC to DAC convertor


In order to analyze the transient response for the ADC to DAC convertor the state of the schematic had to be loaded into the ADE environment of Cadence.



After clicking on the green "Netlist and Run" icon the outputs which gave the results shown below. The output voltage, Vout, is the digitized signal for the given input voltage, Vin, the analog signal.



The pre-lab ask us to compare the relationship between Vin, the input voltage, B[9:0] and Vout.

The equation to describe the Least Significant Bit (LSB) for the 10-bit ADC to DAC is given in the image below. Where Vdd is the equivalent input signal, Vin.



Lab: This lab utilizes circuits with n-wells in order to convert ADC ot DAC
In this lab, I followed the schematic in order to build a digital-to-anaolog converter



In order to understand the schematic I determined the output of resistance of the digital-to-analog converter (DAC)


Upon inspection the voltage dividger equates to many resistances in parallel with one another

The first step need in order to build the DAC I needed to create a voltage divider which represents a single bit


After creating the voltage divider I converted it into symbol format within Cadence

Expanding on the single bit symbol  I connected them to represent the bits from B0 to B9


The next step was to convert B[0:9] schematic into symbol format


Determining the delay:

In order to determine the delay within the circuit I grounded all bits except B9 and added a 10pF capacitor as a load to Vout.

I was able to calculate the dealy as 0.7RC 

Therefore the delay = 0.7(10^3)(10^-9) = 70 ns 

    which is proven in the in the figures below.

Verifying Design:
By adding my 10-bit DAC design to the original schematic I am able to illustrate its validity.

However due to since the simulations were not running adequately I was forced to use convergence methods to test my DAC convertor.

After setting the convergence input and Vin = 4.999 I was able to illustrate that both circuit were equivalent.


The next step within the process was to add a load to the circuit.


Adding a load illustrated that Vout the output amplitude's signal was decreased by half which makes sense since the voltage divider above illustrated the reduction of the resistnace by half.


After analyzing the a pure resistive load I utilized a capacitor to analyze the the circuit.

Upon adding a 10pF capacitor one is able to determine that the signal for the output, Vout, is not only smoothed it is also delayed.

Adding both a resistive and capacitance load to the ADC to DAC convertor decreases the ampl.itude and delays the output for the circuit.

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