Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Anthony Peytchev,




Creating your own library, building your own circuit and simulating it:

Creating a Library:

In the library manager click on File->New->Library then a window pops up in which you can select the same for. Make sure to click on Attach to exisiting tech library and to choose AMI 0.60u CSN (3M,2p, high-res). Once that is done click on OK.

Adding Library

In library manager now click on Tutorial_1, then click File->New->Cell View and enter R_div for Cell and schematic for view.

Adding your own part using i to bring up components. (i for instances)

For the first item type res in Cell for resister and change the resistance to 10K Ohms

Adding res

 Adding 2 resisters, a ground, and voltage with i, we use w to wire the components together. q to modify component values, r to rotate, c to copy.

For ground type gnd in Cell and for the voltage source type vdc for Cell

Use l to create lables such as vin and vout


Now we will simulate the circuit:

Click Check and Save to verify your created circuit is properly made, then click on ADE L which will open the Virtuoso Analogue Design Enviroment (ADE)

If you have not set this in the config file go to Setup -> Simulator/Directory/Host to switch to spectre sim.

Next go to Analyses and select tran and put 1 for stop time and click on enabled.

Now go to Outputs -> To Be Plotted and Select on Design, then click on the circuit wires you want to see analysed 

Go to Session -> Save State and click Cellview then OK to save your current settings

Adding Outputs

Now you can click the green button to start the simulation.

Here we have the outputs of the simulation:

Simulation results
