Lab 5 - EE 421L

Design, Layout, and Simulate a CMOS Inverter

Authored by Isabella Paperno,

Start date: 09/26/2023

Due date: 10/11/2023


Pre-lab work:


Lab description:

Using what we learned from lab 4 about creating NMOS and PMOS devices, this lab will have us combine those devices to create a CMOS inverter.

Pre-lab completing Tutorial 3:

Through Tutorial 3, I was able to learn and understand how to use both an NMOS and PMOS device (created in Lab 4 and/or Tutorial 2) together to create an inverter with Cadence.


It first started by copying the Tutorial 2 library to create the Tutorial 3 library, as we would use the NMOS and PMOS devices created from Tutorial 2 to build the inverter.

Copying Tutorial 2 library for Tutorial 3


Then a new schematic was created called inverter. To build this inverter, we opened up the NMOS and PMOS schematics and copied both devices over.

Copying NMOS and PMOS devices into inverter schematic

We copied a 6u/0.6u NMOS and a 12u/0.6u PMOS to begin creating a 12u/6u inverter (PMOS width / NMOS width)


The next step was to add power (vdd!) and ground (gnd!) then finalize the inverter by connecting wires between the terminals to get this finalized inverter schematic. 

We also had to make sure the schematic had a clear input and output by adding pins (A for input and Ai for output).

Completed 12u/6u inverter

Now that the schematic is finished, we can use the menu to go to Create -> Cell View -> From Cell View to create a symbol.
Everything except the pins were deleted then I drew the inverter symbol.
12u/6u inverter symbol
With a completed symbol, I moved on to creating the layout. I instantiated a 6u/0.6u NMOS and a 12u/0.6u PMOS as well as an ntap, ptap, and m1_poly block. I lined everything up with the schematic, moving the PMOS to the top and the NMOS to the bottom, with the m1_poly being the gate connecting the two devices. I changed the ntap and ptap to have two columns instead of one then connected all the pins using metal1. The ntap, connected to the PMOS by the source, was tied to vdd! while the ptap, connected to the NMOS by the source, was tied to gnd!. The drains of both devices were tied together to produce the output Ai, and finally the poly gate was extended to connect both devices to the m1_poly gate as the input A. Once the layout was set I saved it and checked with DRC to ensure there were no errors.
Complete layout for 12u/6u inverter   DRC results of 0 errors for 12u/6u inverter
With no errors found I then extracted the layout and ran LVS for the inverter, which came back declaring the net-lists matched.
Extracted layout of 12u/6u inverter LVS match for 12u/6u inverter
Now that all the cell views have been made, it was time to test the inverter through simulations.
A new cell called sim_inverter_dc was created and the following schematic was drafted. The out wire was connected to a no-connection symbol to avoid errors about floating nets.
Create a schematic for simulating the inverter
Once the ADE is started, we need to add the MOSFET model libraries (ami06N.m and ami06P.m). This is done by going to Setup -> Model Libraries and entering the
/$HOME/ncsu-cdk-1.6.0.beta/models/spectre/standalone directory.
Applying MOSFET model libraries to the simulation


Now we can set up the simulation. First go to Output -> To Be Plotted -> Select On Schematic to plot in and out in our simulation. Then select the simulation analysis by going to Analyses -> Choose. Here we are picking a dc analysis with our input vdc (V0) to sweep from 0 to 5 V with 1 mV steps. This simulation setup can be seen below.

Simulation setup


After saving the state in the cellview, we can run the simulation. 

simulation results

Notice here that the output is zero! This is because vdd!, used in the inverter, was not specified so it defaulted to 0 V.


This can quickly be fixed by adding the vdd! instance to our schematic and creating a global stimuli. To create the stimuli we have to be in the ADE window and select Setup -> Stimuli then change the stimulus type to Global Sources and specify that we want vdd! to be 5 V.

Adding vdd as a global stimuli  Simulation schematic for 12u/6u inverter with vdd    


Now we can run the simulation and we should have the correct results for an inverter.

Correct simulation results from 12u/6u schematic

And we do! We know this is correct because when the input starts low, the output starts high, but as the input voltage increases the output voltage decreases.


Last but not least we can simulate the extracted layout. We just need to change the environment by going to Setup -> Environment and add extracted in front of schematic. 

This should give the same analysis that we viewed from simulating the schematic. 

Changing simulation environment to extracted  Simuulation results for extracted layout

The extracted view simulation does in fact produce the same results as the schematic simulation.


This concludes the pre-lab section, all work completed in the pre-lab can be found in



Lab procedures:


Creating the 12u/6u inverter: 

I first started the lab by creating 12u/6u inverter, using a 12u/0.6u PMOS and a 6u/0.6u NMOS.

The 12u/6u inverter was the one created in the pre-lab so I just copied the inverter over to my lab5 directory. 


The first cell view created was the schematic, with a 12u/0.6u PMOS on top of a 6u/0.6u NMOS, creating the 12u/6u inverter. There are two pins on this schematic: the input (A) and the output (Ai).

12u/6u inverter schematic


I then created a symbol for the 12u/6u inverter from the schematic. As I originally just copied the symbol from the pre-lab, there label describing the inverter's properties was missing.

12u/6u inverter symbol

The label was added much later (when I was labelling the 48u/24u inverter) so the above symbol was used for the basic test simulations while the symbol below was used for the simulations with loads required for this lab.     

12u/6u inverter symbol labeled


I then moved on to creating the layout and verified it with DRC, knowing it was safe to use when the DRC results came back with 0 errors.

12u/6u inverter layout  12u/6u inverter layout DRC results, 0 errors


Then I extracted the layout and verified it with LVS, showing that the layout and schematic matched.

12u/6u inverter layout extracted  12u/6u inverter LVS match


Now that the 12u/6u inverter was verified through DRC and LVS, I went on to perform the simulations shown in Tutorial 3, just to make sure the inverter worked properly. With this schematic, I used the noConnection instance on the end of the output to prevent errors for hanging wires and had to create a global stimuli for vdd!, as I did not want to include another voltage source and ground for it.

setting vdd as global stimuli   schematic for basic 12u/6u inverter simulations   


 I then set up the simulator by applying the MOSFET model libraries, selecting the in and out wires to be plotted as outputs, and choosing a dc analysis just like in the pre-lab. 

applying MOSFET model libraries  setting up basic simulation for 12u/6u inverter


Using these settings, I produced the following result from the schematic.

simulation results from 12u/6u inverter schematic

And, just like the tutorial, I also ran the simulation after changing the environment observe the extracted view.

changing simulation environment to view extracted  simulation results for 12u/6u inverter extraction


These two simulations produced the correct result each time, verifying that the 12u/6u inverter was created properly and works correctly in simulations.



12u/6u Inverter Simulations: 

Knowing that the inverter works properly in baisc simulations, I was ready to simulate with the specified loads. 

Instead of creating a new schematic for each individual load (100fF, 1pF, 10pF, and 100pF loads), I just added a variable capacitor (cap) to the output.

Schematic for simulating 12u/6u inverter with variable loads


I started simulating with the usual SPICE that we've used up until now. So I launched the ADE and started by setting the MOSFET model libraries.

apply MOSFET model libraries to SPICE simulator


I declared cap as a design variable and set it's default value to 1pF as that was the example on the lab 5 webpage.

declaring cap capacitance variable


Then I selected my input A and output Ai from my schematic to plot as outputs and selected a transient analysis to run for 30 ns.

All simulation settings for 12u/6u inverter with varaible load


Due to creating a capacitance variable, I had to go into Tools -> Parametric Analysis to set it up, similar to Lab 3 using it to sweep VGS to get the proper IV curves all at once. 

I declared cap as the variable being used for this parametric analysis and set the range from 100fF to 100pF while multipling 10 times for each step. Using multiplier instead of steps allowed me to plot only the four required values — 100fF, 1pF, 10pF, and 100pF — as they are all one order of magnitude apart from each other.

create parametric analysis for capacitance variabel


Finally with all that done I was able to run the simulation for the 12u/6u inverter driving a 100fF, 1pF, 10pF, and 100pF capacitive load.

Simulation results for 12u/6u inverter driving 100fF, 1pF, 10pF, and 100pF loads individually


Now I have to perform the simulation using UltraSim. I changed from using the SPICE simulator to the UltraSim simulator by going back to the ADE and selecting Setup -> Simulator/Directory/Host. From there a new windown popped up and I changed the simulator from spectre (SPICE) to UltraSim and hit OK.

changing to UltraSim simulator


Then I had to re-do all the steps I did with the SPICE simulator.

I had to select the MOSFET libraries, again, to be used by the UltraSim simulator.

Apply MOSFET libraries to UltraSim


I then recreated the same simulation setup (seen below).

simulation set up for 12u/6u inverter with loads in UltraSim


And had to recreate the same Parametric Analysis.

Create parametric analysis for capacitive variable


 Finally with all that done, I was able to run the simulation with UltraSim to get the following results.

12u/6u inverter UltraSim simulation results



Creating the 48u/24u inverter: 

I started to build the 48u/24u inverter by copying the 12u/6u inverter used above. 

copying the 12u/6u inverter to start the 48u/24u inverter  


I opened the schematic and had to change the NMOS and PMOS multipliers to 4. By changing the multipliers to 4, this keeps the 12u/6u inverter as a base but essentially stacks 3 more of those inverters on top of the base, giving a total size of 48u/24u (totaling a 48u/0.6u PMOS and a 24u/0.6u NMOS) for the inverter. 

changing the PMOS multiplier to 4  change the NMOS multiplier to 4


On the schematic, the only visible change is that there is an m = 4 on both portions of the inverter (NMOS and PMOS). There are still two pins on this schematic — the input (A) and the output (Ai) — and everything is wired together the same as before. Changing the multiplier is the only difference that makes this schematic a 48u/24u inverter.

48u/24u inverter schematic


I then created a symbol for the 48u/24u inverter from the schematic, making sure to label it as such.

48u/24u inverter symbol labeled


I moved on to editing the layout and there were many changes needed to convert the 12u/6u inverter into a 48u/24u inverter.

The first change needed was to edit the multiplier in the PMOS and NMOS, changing it to 4 just like in the schematic.

Edit PMOS to have a multiplier of 4   Edit NMOS to have a multiplier of 4


Then I had to edit the ntap and ptap instances. I changed them both to have 8 columns and 1 row of contacts to better fit with the PMOS and NMOS.

Edit ntap to have 8 columns   Edit ptap to have 8 columns


The last change was made to the m1_poly instance to give it 4 columns of contacts, one contact for each gate poly, instead of 1.

Edit m1_poly to have 4 columns


And after all those edits, I created the 48u/24u inverter as seen below. In the PMOS, I connected the 1st, 3rd, and 5th columns of contacts as the source and tied that, along with the ntap, to vdd. I did the same in the NMOS but tied the source, along with the ptap, to gnd. Then the 2nd and 4th columns of contacts in both the NMOS and PMOS were connected together (as the drains in their respective devices) and tied to the output (Ai). All the polys in both the NMOS and PMOS were connected together and led to the m1_poly instance which was tied to the input (A). Once everything was tied together properly, I checked the layout with DRC and knew it was correct when I received 0 errors.

48u/24u inverter layout  48u/24u inverter layout DRC results, 0 errors


Then I extracted the layout and verified it with LVS, showing that the layout and schematic matched.

48u/24u inverter layout extracted     48u/24u inverter LVS match


Now that the 48u/24u inverter was verified through DRC and LVS, I went on to perform the simulations shown in Tutorial 3, just to make sure the inverter worked properly. I copied the simulation used for the 12u/6u inverter and just changed the schematic to use the 48u/24u inverter.

copying 12u/6u inverter simulation to use for 48u/24u inverter simulation   schematic of 48u/24u inverter for simulations


 I then set up the simulator by applying the MOSFET model libraries, selecting the in and out wires to be plotted as outputs, and choosing a dc analysis just like in the pre-lab. 

setting up basic simulation for 48u/24u inverter


Using these settings, I produced the following result from the schematic.

simulation results from 48u/24u inverter schematic

And, just like the tutorial, I also ran the simulation after changing the environment observe the extracted view.

changing simulation environment to view extracted  simulation results for 48u/24u inverter extraction


These two simulations produced the correct result each time, verifying that the 48u/24u inverter was created properly and works correctly in simulations.



48u/24u Inverter Simulations: 

Knowing that the inverter works properly in baisc simulations, I was ready to simulate with the specified loads. 

Instead of creating a new schematic for each individual load (100fF, 1pF, 10pF, and 100pF loads), I just added a variable capacitor (cap) to the output.

Schematic for simulating 48u/24u inverter with variable loads


I started simulating with SPICE again, as that was my deafult simulator. So I launched the ADE and started by setting the MOSFET model libraries.

apply MOSFET model libraries to SPICE simulator


I declared cap as a design variable and set it's default value to 1pF as that was the example on the lab 5 webpage.

declaring cap capacitance variable


Then I selected my input A and output Ai from my schematic to plot as outputs and selected a transient analysis to run for 30 ns.

All simulation settings for 48u/24u inverter with varaible load


Again, I had to go into Tools -> Parametric Analysis to set up the capacitor variable to simulate with all capacitive loads in one plot. 

I declared cap as the variable being used for this parametric analysis and set the range from 100fF to 100pF while multipling 10 times for each step as the required capacitive loads are all one order of magnitude apart from each other.

create parametric analysis for capacitance variable


Finally with all that done I was able to run the simulation for the 48u/24u inverter driving a 100fF, 1pF, 10pF, and 100pF capacitive load.

Simulation results for 48u/24u inverter driving 100fF, 1pF, 10pF, and 100pF loads individually


Now I have to perform the simulation using UltraSim. I changed from using the SPICE simulator to the UltraSim simulator by going back to the ADE and selecting Setup -> Simulator/Directory/Host. From there a new windown popped up and I changed the simulator from spectre (SPICE) to UltraSim and hit OK.

changing to UltraSim simulator


Then I had to re-do all the steps I did with the SPICE simulator.

I had to select the MOSFET libraries, again, to be used by the UltraSim simulator.

Apply MOSFET libraries to UltraSim


I then recreated the same simulation setup (seen below).

simulation set up for 48u/24u inverter with loads in UltraSim


And had to recreate the same Parametric Analysis.

Create parametric analysis for capacitive variable


 Finally with all that done, I was able to run the simulation with UltraSim to get the following results.

48u/24u inverter UltraSim simulation results

And this sucessful simulation concludes Lab 5.


All my work for lab5 can be found in two zip files. Work from the prelab can be found in while the lab 5 work can be found in



In this lab, I learned about the CMOS inverter as well as how to create one in Cadence. The prelab had us follow Tutorial_3 which greatly helped me understand how a CMOS inverter is created using a PMOS and NMOS device in series. I was also able observe how an inverter functions normally versus with different values of capacitive loads through the simulations performed in Cadence. I noticed that, for each inverter, the smaller capacitive load was able to function closer to the ideal inverter with no loads as the output voltage changed value opposite of the input voltage almost immediately. However, with a larger capacitive load, it would take longer for the inverter to invert the input value as seen when the 12u/6u inverter using the 100pF capacitive load would only get to about half the original input value and the 48u/24u inverter about a quarter of the original input value by the time the initial voltage reset back to 5 V.
Backing Up Lab Work:
zipping up my lab work  sending zipped work to myself through email



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