Lab 3 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Ronnie Moran,

Today's date: 9/20/23


Lab description


The prelab was to complete tutorial 1 which we have already done.

Here is the lab2 R_div

View of my 10-bit DAC

DAC wired and runnning the simulation

Here is the sim of the output given by the DAC.

Lab Work:

Picking and measuring the Length and Width:

In order to pick the length, we will be using the formula: Resistance = Sheet resistance (Rsquare) * L/W. This means our value will be56.1 for length and 4.5 as our width.

In this case I am using the old 8k n-well resistor we made and changing the dimension to be a 10k n-well.

Here is the extracted view of the n-well confirming our resistance is correct.

Next we need to setup 31 n-well resistors, wire them together corretly, label pins, and make sure they are on the same x position but different y positions. The image below shows what the wiring will look like going down each of the resistors till we reach B0 and gnd!

I repeated this process and once all 31 n-well were wired and connceted through metal1 it looked like this

From this point I ran the DRC and extracted.

Last we need to LVS with the schematic to see if our netlists match.

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