Lab 5 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Benjamin Molina,




The first step of the prelab involved simply ensuring that previous labs and wrok have been backed up and saved properly. The second part was to go through Tutorial 3 posted on CMOSedu which involved the basic creation of an inverter using a PMOS and an NMOS. 

Schematic of inverter using NMOS and PMOS
Schematic of inverter in use. Using a hand made symbol.
Outout of the inverter compared to input.
Extracted view output vs input simulation.
Lab Procedure:
Creation of 12u/6u Inverter:
The first step we must perform is the creation of a 12u/6u inverter. This was done already in Tutorial 3 so for convienvce we will simply reuse what we created previously for this part.
We must create an inverter schematic, symbol, layout and extracted view.
12u/6u Inverter Schematic12u/6u Inverter Symbol 12u/6u Inverter Layout12u/6u Inverter Extracted View
Now we need to prove that the extracted view and the schematic match with an LVS check.

Here we can see that they clearly do match and we can proceed onto the next part fo the lab.
Creation of a 48u/24u Inverter:
Now we want to make an inverter with a 48u/24u ratio. However it is impractical to make MOSFETs that long in practice. So what we do instead is increase the multiplier on the MOSFETs to make it equivalent to one of that size. So we make the multiplier on both the PMOS and NMOS m = 4, since 12u * 4 = 48u and 6u * 4 = 24u respectively. Increasing the multiplier will add more fingers to the MOSFET meaning we have to change the wiring of metal1 a bit in the layout but the principle remains the same.
As before a schematic, symbol, layout and extracted view must be made.
48u/24u Inverter Schematic48u/24u Inverter Symbol48u/24u Inverter Layout48u/24u Inverter Extracted View
Now as always we LVS the extracted view and the schematic to make sure that the netlists match up.
Ultrasim simulations
The files for all that was created up to this point in this lab were saved and zipped up and saved. There are also contained here at
Simulations of 12u/6u Inverter by Driving Capacitence Loads:
Now we wish to see how the inverters respond to having varying capacitances as loads. Remember that capacitors resist changes in voltages that occur in circuits, so the stronger they get the more we expect to see the output waveform change and smoothen out.
We normally just use spectre for our simulations but here we will also use Ultrasim to see varying results. Ultra tends to run faster but often has inaccuracies because of this speed.
CapacitanceSpectre simulationsUltrasim simulations
From these images it becomes clear that the larger the capacitor gets the smaller the output wavefrom gets. This is because the greater capacitance means it takes longer and longer for the capacitor to charge when having the input signal go through it. Effectively smoothing out the output waveform.
Simulations of 48u/24u Inverter by Driving Capacitence Loads:
As we just did with the 12u/6u we will now drive loads of capacitance to the 48u/24u inverter and see what happens.
CapacitanceSpectre simulationsUltrasim simulations
From these results we can conclude that an inverter with a bigger ratio of the PMOS and NMOS sizes has an easier time resisting the effects of higher capacitance values than an inverter made with an NMOS and a PMOS that has a smaller ratio between their sizes.
We can also see a small difference between the spectre and the Ultrasim simulations. Which does seem to conclude that Ultrasim is less accurate. However for this lab Ultrasim actually ran slower than spectre did. This may simply due to my internet connection that I use to connect to the Candence server rather than the software itself. But it still felt like that discrepancy should have been noted.

As always all work is saved and backed up on laptops and google drive just in case.

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