Lab 2 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Benjamin Molina,



Lab description:

This lab has students focus on how they understand 10-bit ADC and DAC circuits work, and will also test their abilities on how to design their own DAC and test their abilities to nagivate through Candence hierarchy. 



To start students were asked to download the file and input it into the directory and unzip it.

As always we must define our new file in the cds.lib file by adding "DEFINE lab2 $HOME/CMOSedu/lab2".


Now we can open Cadence and open the sim_ideal_ADC_DAC cell. Specifically the schematic view. You should get the image presented below.

We then Launch ADE L, go to Load state and press the green button to get our netlist and simulation for this ideal ADC_DAC file Dr.Baker provided for us. The following graph should appear.

Here I have changed the lines to be solid and thick. This is done by right clicking the value on the left most list then going down to width and style. Color can also be changed like this.


Now we are asked to modify the waveform so we are able to see the output steps better.The best of achieving this is by changing the input voltage Vin to a different number. In the image below 10mV with an offset of 10mV was used as this provides a nice view of the step output wave for Vout.

One final thing we are able to do is to find the LSB or Least Significant Bit of this setup. Which can be calculated by the equation: LSB = VDD/2^N. Here we get 5V/ 2^10 = 4.883mV. And if we set the voltage to that value we can see the minimum voltage change possible for this B[9:0] digital code waveform. 

Prelab Questions:

How is Vin related to B[9:0] and Vout?

The relation between the two is that Vin is taken and converted to it's B[9:0] form which is a 10-bit binary representation. B9 being MSB (Most significant bit) and B0 being LSB (Least significant bit). B[9:0] is the output of the ADC, that then becomes the input of the DAC. It intakes the 10-bit number and converts it into an analog waveform. Meaning, Vout is the analog representation of what we inputted for Vin at the start.   

Lab Work:

To start off we must create our own DAC using an N-well Resistor with a value of 10k.
Design Process, DAC 10k N-well:
First step is to create a voltage divider circuit with 3 10k resistors. We want to use the 2R to R type schematic as seen in Figure 30.14 in the book.But instead of creating a circuit with 2 resistors with one being double of the other, we want to use 3, 2 in series directly which will be equivalent to 2R. After that we add pins named in, out and bottom to the schematic.


From here we need to got to Create -> Cellview -> From Cellview in order to make the following symbol. This is a 1-bit DAC.


We now must make a new schematic by cascading 10 of the 1-bit DAC symbols made in the previous step and then adding a 10k resistance at the very end. We also add pins going from B0 to B9 and a Vout pin. This is the basis of our 10-bit DAC. In the same way as the last step we make a symbol, however we were advised to simply copy over the Ideal DAC symbol provided in the The only difference is we need to delete VDD, Vrefp and Vrefm as we will not use them in our design.


Finding 10-bit DAC resistance:

To start this process we need to need to realize several circuit rules we should be familiar with. First we should ground every bit value from B[9:0], notice at the bottom of the circuit we now have 2 resistors of 2R value in parallel. The value can be simplified to just a value of R. Which then becomes in series with another R resistor making 2R, which leaves us in a similar situation. Working up from there we can see this pattern repeats all the way up to B9 input leaving us with a final resistance value of R.



Delay Due to Driving Load:

By adding a capacitor value of 10pF to this circuit as a load we introduce a time delay which is expected because of the 10K resistor in the DAC we have essentially created an RC circuit.With R = 10k and C = 10pF. By an RC circuit definition we can calculate this time delay by the formula td = 0.7RC.

td = 0.7RC = 0.7 * 10k * 10pF = 70ns


By simulations we can confirm this is true.

When the voltage reaches 1.25 which is half of the peak we get around 570ns, subtracting the delay time we input into the pulse source which is 500ns, we get: 570ns - 500ns = 70ns.


ADC to DAC simulation, No Load:

Now we are ready to add our DAC to the ideal ADC provided for us to make our own 10-bit ADC_DAC. Note: Before we tried to simulate, we had to lower VDD value from 5V to 4.99V. It is unclear why but it would not sim at 5V.


Simulating the circuit above will yield the following result. Which we should recognize as being the similar to the simualtion we got for the ideal 10-bit ADC_DAC. 


ADC to DAC simulation, 10k Load:

Now we want to add a 10k resistor as a load to our design to see how it will affect the Vout analog waveform.

Mathematically we should realize that by adding a 10k resistance in series to the DAC, which already has an internal resistance of 10k, we get a voltage divider. Since both resistances are 10k this particular voltage divider will cut the voltage in half. So Vout should be half of Vin. And as we can see in the simulation below that is certainly the case.


ADC to DAC simulation, 10pF Load:

As we calculated earlier there will be a time delay if we add a capacitor since we effectively turn this into an RC circuit.


The capacitor will make a time delay of 0.07us but it will also cause a DC offest of about 2.5V. It also makes the analog wave a continuous wave for Vout. This makes sense as capacitors resist changes in voltage. 



ADC to DAC simulation, 10k & 10pF Load:


By adding both a resistor and a capacitor we get an amalgamation of the two results we see from the eariler examples. A delay and a continuous wave, that appears to be half of Vin's magnitude.

By taking what we've seen from the simulations about we can see that when we have no resistor or capacitor we get Vin and Vout being in phase/being equal representations of each other in different formats. But whe we introduce resistance we will lower the magnitude of Vout, but it will still be in phase. Adding a capacitor will give Vout a time delay which will make it lag based on the capacitor value we used. By using both we manipulated to wave into have both a halved value and a time delay.

Backing up Work:
I backed up my work every 20ish minutes, zipped the folder and sent it to myself via google email.

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