Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Benjamin Molina,



Lab description:

In this lab we will learn the basics of using html and proper formatting for the lab reports we will make in this class. Then to prove this we will go through Candence tutorial one that is posted on this website.



Prelab 1 asked students to request access to CMOS and learn how to properly edit and format an html file.


Lab Work:

This lab involves us following Cadence Tutorial 1 on Dr.Baker's website.

First step we needed to take was to delete the diva rul files specified. Then replace them with the ones given in a zip file in the tutorial.

Note: If you use a computer with MacOSX as I do you use FileZilla to manage the directory.


We are now free to open Cadence via the virtuoso & command in our terminal. Then by going to File -> New Library we can create a new library in Candence. Then the following window pops up allowing us to name and create the library.

As seen above we also want to attach existing tech library AMI 0.60u C5N (3M,2P,high-res) to this new library.

We should also check that cds.lib contains the new library we created.

Then we create a cell which allows us to make the voltage divider circuit.

First we make 2 resistors by pressing "i", which allows us to create a new instance without having to use the toolbar, then we select NCSU_Analog_Parts and R_L_C then res. These 2 resistors are to have a value of 10k Ohms. If we wanted to change that after making them simply select them and press "q".

We then add ground by once again pressing "i" but this time select Supply_Nets and gnd. Similarly we add a voltage source by adding another instance but selecting Voltage_Sources and then vdc, set the voltage to 1V. Finally we tie everything together with wires which one can do by pressing "w".


It is recommended to give wires names in order to distinguish them. Press "l" to do this. Here we named the wires in and out.

Next we click Check and Save in order to save our work before simulating it.


By going to Launch -> ADE L we can begin the steps to simulate. It is important to check if the system is running in spectre, by going to Setup -> Simulator/Directory/Host and change it to spectre if it is not. Then we go to Analysis -> Choose in order to choose transient analysis and set the stop time to one second.


Go to Outputs -> To be plotted -> Select on Schematic in order to select the in and out wires to plot. Go to Session -> Save State in order to save our work to the point we have gotten up to in case we wish to run it again. After that we are all set to simulate, which we do by simply clicking the green Netlist and Run button on the ADE menu, to get the following image.


Throughout the entirety of this lab I snapshotted my Macbook's screen and then saved them in my photos. Then I proceeded to upload them to a google drive folder on the Macbook and send them via email to myself so I could upload them to the Windows laptop Iused to edit the htm file. I also saved my work every 20 minutes so I wouldn't lose any work and proceeded to zip the folder and save it on both laptops.

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