Lab 3 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Josue Magana Quezada 




Lab description

We are going to Layout DAC from lab2 on this practice




First of all, we will back up all our previous lab practices, this might help for different things such as reference for future lab reports.

I made a layout of the 10-bit DAC. I was supposed to create a 10k resistor.
To obtain the dimmensions, i used this formula and the next steps    

R = Rd * (L/W)
R = 10k ohms
Rd = 802
W = 4.5 microns

10k = 802 * (L/4.5 microns)

=> L = 56.1 microns

Below is a picture of the resistor properties in Cadence.

my resistor

extracted resistor, reflecting our 10k

Also our DRC to verify everything is correct

Lab Work

We will use a ruler to measure our resistor manually

The next pictures were from Lab 2, and they show the schematic and simulation of the DAC under no load conditions. It shows to work correctly

Now we are going to Layout our DAC with N-wells, it will be making 31 N_well resistors . The minimum separation is 5.4um.

Once we set it up, we will verify with DRC. it is expected to obtain 0 errors. 

The last step we will go to our extracted DAC -> Verify -> LVS, we are going to compare it with our schematic and it is supposed to match all the net-lists

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