Lab 6 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Matthew Lord,

October 25th, 2023



Going Through Tutorial 4

·        In its entirety, tutorial 4 takes us through:

o   Design of NAND gate schematic

o   Creating symbol view of NAND gate

o   Layout of NAND gate

o   Simulation of NAND gate schematic

Lab Report:

Lab Overview: 

NAND Gate Construction


Shown below are both the layout view of the 2-input NAND gate, consisting of two NMOS and two PMOS, all of width 6 microns, and length 600 nm, and the symbol view of the NAND, as well. We see that the layout DRC is successful and the LVS shows that the net lists match.



Shown here is the Schematic of the NAND gate. 

NAND Gate Simulation Results 


XOR Gate Construction


Shown below are both the layout view of the 2-input NAND gate and the symbol view of the NAND, as well. We see that the layout DRC is successful and the LVS shows that the net lists match. 


Shown here is the Schematic of the XOR gate. 


 XOR Gate Simulation Results 


Glitches (NAND and XOR Sims) are caused by the brief rise and fall times of the input signals. The glitch is simply a time period in which the pulse is rising or falling, and the MOSFETs are neither on, nor off. If the rise/fall times could be further decreased as close to instantaneous as possible, the glitches would become smaller and smaller. An ideal rise/fall time of 0 would result in no glitch.


Full Adder Schematic and Symbol View 


Full Adder Simulation Results 


Layout and LVS of Full Adder 

As my last step I ensured my backup to my cloud drive is completed by the green check on the folder and its subfolders incase anything ever goes wrong.

I use a RAID 1 config on my main computer with the important files being backed up to my cloud, along with a second computer in my livingroom that downloads any changes to my files in the cloud, so all in all I have 2 physical locations using RAID 1 along with my cloud backup.


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