Lab 1 - EE 421L 

Authored by Anthony Lopez


Due Date: September 13, 2023


Lab Description:     




        - Schematic of the previously mentioned file



        -Here is the generated graph from our simulation.
                        LSB = VDD/2^N
                        - VDD is your reference signal/voltage and N is your number of bits.
                        - Thus we have a VDD of 5v and our 10 bit system then your LSB = 5v/2^10  which is 4.88mV.
                        -This is the amount of voltage change your circuit needed to change your bit value.  


    - Here you can see that there are 4 steps to each peak. This is due to the fact that the peaks are about 4 LSBs of voltage from each other. From the equation we saw that our LSB is 4.88mv or about 5mv thus our difference of 20 mv from peak to peak divided by 5mv is 4. 20mv/5mv = 4. Showing that our bit value changes, ie creates a new step at each added 5mv.


Lab Tasks:




- Here we see the simulation validates my hand calculation.


