Digital IC Design - Lab 1 - EE421L 

Authored by Leonardo Ledesma


September 1, 2023


Lab Description

- introduction to the editing and publishing process of html webpages for lab procedures
- introduction to the installation and use of Cadence Software

Pre-Laboratory Procedure
- acquire CMOSedu password from Dr. Baker 

- review regarding editing of html webpages

Figure 1: creation of my CMOSedu student directory

Laboratory Objectives

1.) Complete Cadence Tutorial 1 up to image 25

- include some images of the tutorial with coherent narrative


2.) Discuss the procedure of performing regular backups on future lab reports

Laboratory Procedure
Task 1:
Upon completing the installation procedures and installation of Cadence software the program is ready to run. Below we can see the inital login to UNLV ECE server using the provided student credentials. Upon navigating to the CMOSedu directory we can use the 'virtuoso &' to launch the program and begin.

Figure 2: server login and execution of Cadence Virtuoso


After adding the Tutorial 1 library we are ready to create a new cell view.

Figure 3: creation of Tutorial_1 library for this lab

Below you can see the creation of a new cell view schematic called R_div to allow us to build a voltage divider using two 10k resistors.

Figure 4: creating a new schematic view under the Tutorial 1 library

Once our circuit is created, resistor and voltage source values are defined, and our nodes are labeled properly we can now perform a check and save.

Figure 5: schematic created with in and out labeled for simulation analysis


After the check and save confirmation we can run a simulation.

Figure 6: check and save confirmation with no errors


Figure 7: Cadence Virtuoso parameters for a 1s transient simulation
Above we see the simulation parameters that will be ran during this portion of the lab
Figure 8a(left): Cadence simulation results
Figure 8b(right): Cadence netlist results

Simulation results and netlist for the 1s transient simulation are shown above showing 500mV output
Task 2:
Regular backups will be performed using portable microSD, Lab folders located in my personal Google Drive, and at home NAS.     

Figure 9: Lab 1 backup files using portable microSD

We can see the first backup of Lab 1 files ready to be transfered to backup location in the photo above.
I have created a backup file in my Goggle Drive to store and save Cadence backup files shown below.

Figure 10: Google drive Cadence backup location to be used for this course



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