Project Report - ECE 421L 

Authored by Kanoa Hokoana,

November 20, 2023

Project: Non-Inverting Buffer Circuit

In this project I was tasked with designing a non-inverting buffer circuit using the C5 process. The parameters that were given to me are that the circuit must present less than 100fF input capacitance to on-chip logic, can drive up to a 1 pF load with output voltages greater than 7V, Varrying VDD between 4.5V to 5.5V, valid input logic 0 is 1V or less, valid input logic 1 is 3V or more, and the slowest transition time allowed is 4 ns.
The topology I am basing my design on is figure 18.39 (charge-pump clock driver) from our class textbook. The circuit can be seen below.

Input Capacitance
I started with the sizing of INV1. The required parameter was that the input capacitance Cin is less than 100fF. The input capacitance is only present in INV1. To achieve this I used the equation Cin = (3/2)(Coxp+Coxn). Assuming the length to be the minimum 0.6um, I was able to determine the width of the NMOS and PMOS to be 12um and 24um. The math can be seen below.

INV1 schematic

INV1 symbol

With my INV1 designed I simulated the operation of the inverter and got its switching point using a DC sweep.
INV1 simulation schematic

INV1 simulation

As can be seen in the simulation the switching point is at about 2.4V this falls within the parameters of logic low is 1V or less and logic high is 3V or more.
The sizing of INV2 is 12u/6u. The reason I chose this is that it will give me a switching point of 2.5V which is needed to invert the output of inverter 1 at about the half point. I made the inverter smaller to save on layout space and I don't need a large inverter for this part.
INV2 schematic

INV2 symbol

INV2 simulation schematic

INV2 simulation schematic

The switching point is at 2.5V proving the proper operation of this inverter.
Capacitor 1
The capacitor on the left side of the circuit can be smaller due to the fact that it is not supplying power to the load of the circuit. I will be using NMOSs in strong inversion to reduce layout size. I chose to stick with the 100fF capacitance for my design ;however, I needed a bigger capcitor to turn on M2 so I chose to use 1pF. My hand calculations on sizing the MOSFET can be seen below. The reason I used W=L is to reduce the layout size of the MOSFET.

Capacitor 2
The capacitor on the right side of the circuit supplies power to the load so this capacitor must have a larger capacitance than the load. To determine the capacitance needed I used the equation for charge sharing between capacitors.

I determined that I would need a 9pF capacitor to supply power to the load at VDD. I increased the needed capacitance to 10pF load to ensure that the capacitor is able to drive the 1pF load. For the size of the NMOS needed I used the hand calculations below.

M1 and M2
For the MOSFETs at the top of the circuit M1 charges capacitor 1 to VDD and M2 charges capacitor 2 to VDD. Capacitor 1 is small so the sizing of M1 can be smaller to reduce layout size and power. The opposite is true for M2. It must be larger to charge capacitor 2 faster. If these MOSFETs are sized to small the capacitors will not be able to charge fast enough with changing input pulses. For this reason I used the MOSFET ratios in the figure to get the sizes M1=12u/0.6u and M2=60u/0.6u.

Output Inverter
For this inverter I chose to use the ratios in the figure. Assuming 0.6um for the length of the MOSFETs so for the width of the MOSFETs I used 60um. The reason I made these bigger is to drive a higher current to the load.

Final Buffer Schematic and Simulations
Putting all these pieces together I made the circuit below and simulated it to make sure it was operating correctly and within parameters.
Buffer Schematic

When input is logic low the output of the INV1 becomes logic high and the output of INV2 is logic low. This drives node A to 2VDD and node B to VDD. M1 is off and M2 is on. When the input is logic high INV1 outputs logic low and INV2 outputs logic high. This drives node B to 2VDD and node A to VDD. M1 is on and M2 is off. The output of the circuit goes to 2VDD as well.


Buffer symbol

Buffer simulation schematic

Testing Input logic

Input logic 3-5V

Input logic 0-1V

Simulation VDD = 4.5V

Timing analysis at 1pF load


Simulation VDD = 5V

Timing analysis at 1 pF load


Simulation VDD = 5.5V

Timing analysis at 1 pF load


As can be seen in each simulation the output of the buffer circuit is above 7V for the varying values of VDD. The timing analysis is within parameters as well with no transition times over 4ns. The input logic is correct. This tells me that my non inverting buffer circuit is operating properly. This concludes the first part of the project.



For the second part of this project I made the layout for my circuit above.



Some design considerations were made as the 60u/0.6u MOSFETs were designed with five fingers to save space on the layout. I used metal1 as primarily vertical connections and metal2 as primarily horizontal connections. This made it a lot easier to connect the MOSFETs together.


Extracted View

In order to do an LVS check I needed to extract my layout above is the extracted view. You can see the different sized MOSFETs and how they are connected within the layout.


DRC and LVS Check

As can be seen above my layout passed the DRC and LVS check with the netlist of the schematic and layout matching. This concludes part 2 of this project.


These are the files used in this project:


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