Lab 2 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Xavier Hernandez,



Pre-lab Work

Vin is related to Vout and B[9:0] by converting the AC analog input (Vin) into a staircase binary output(Vout) that has output steps based on the number of bits (B[9:0]).
We have 10 bits for this simulation, which is used to calculate the LSB.
Vout will end up being a less accurate representation of Vin due to the low number of bits.

To begin our prelab setup, we download the file and add it into the CMOSedu directory, then unzip it.

Then we add this statement into cds.lib DEFINE lab2 $HOME/CMOSedu/lab2.

 Step 2


After that setup, we launch Cadence, then we locate and open the correct file in the library manager: lab2 -> sim_Ideal_ADC_DAC -> schematic.

Which then brings up the following schematic, second image below.


Step 4
After that, we can simulate, we launch ADE L, and load the spectre simulation using: Session -> Load State -> Cellview.
Which brings up the following simulation results.
Step 5
As seen above, Vout has a non-smooth staircase waveform that would be greatly improved if the number of bits was increased.
So seen below, where Vin input has an amplitude of 20mV, and an offset of 20mV so that we can see the steps of Vout.
This smaller voltage allows us to see the output steps more clearly.
Marker 4(Vout) is 0V as expected, since Vin is between 0 and 2.44mV.
Marker 6(Vout) is 4.88mV, where Vin is between 2.44mV and 7.32mV.
Marker 7(Vout) is 9.76mV, where Vin is between 7.32mV and 12.2mV.
Step 7

Essentially, the output step possible (Least Significant Bit) is determined by this equation.
Where Vdd = 5V and n = 10, leading to LSB = 4.88mV. So each output step is 4.88mV.
After which, we can halve it (2.44mV) to determine the ranges of Vin that will round the output to a higher or lower step.
Step 6
For example:
if Vin = 0 to just under 2.44mV, then Vout = 0V;
if Vin = 2.44mV to just under 7.32mV, then Vout = 4.88mV;
if Vin = 7.32mV to just under 12.2mV, then Vout = 9.76mv.
And so on until we reach our peak Vin.
Seen below we can clearly see the LSB,
where Marker 9 (Vin = 1.02mV) and Marker 8 (Vout = 0V) are related, Vin is in the range of 0-2.44mV so Vout = 0V.
and Marker 10 (Vin = 3.82mV) and Marker 11 (Vout = 4.88mV) are related, Vin is in the range of 2.44mV to 7.32mV so Vout = 4.88mV.
Step 8

Lab work

Step 11
To begin, we create a voltage divider that copies Fig 30.14, where 2R is on the left of the divider and is 20k ohms and on the right of the divider, R with 10k ohms.
Then attach the "in, out and bottom" pins,

Then we can create the symbol below that will represent one bit. We will be needing 10 of these to create the DAC
Step 10

Then we create the symbol with the same footprint as the given Ideal DAC symbol; to do this, we copy the the cell over from the "Ideal_10_bit_DAC" and edit the symbol's schematic. We could have made our own symbol but the lab specified to have our DAC be the same dimensions.

First, the symbol's schematic is edited; below
using 10 of the "1-bit" respresenations and a 10k ohm resistor at the very bottom, we can create the 10-bit DAC which has the same layout as Fig 30.14.
Step 12

Then, below is the edited symbol completed with the correct dimensions and the updated pins from the schematic edit. Vdd and Vref+/Vref- are removed as they will not be used for this design.
Step 13

To calculate the output resistance, we begin at the very bottom of our schematic. Where 10k = R and 20k = 2R (via lab instructions).
First we find the equivalent parallel resistance of the two 20k ohm resistors, the new resistance we get is 10k
(which is R). That new equivalent resistance is now in series with the next 10k resistor, so now we once again have two 20k ohm resistors in parallel. This calculation repeats up until we reach the top of our DAC where we once again do the same thing and get an output resistance of 10k ohms, (R=10k ohms).
Step 14

Using the approximation of "td = 0.7RC", where we have an RC circuit, with a capacitor of 10pF, we can approximate the time delay:
td = 0.7 * (10k) * (10p) = 70ns
Further more, we can verify this time delay with the simulation below, where we ground all bits except B9, and add the capacitor load. Schematic circuit on first image, sim result on the second. Where we go from 0 -> VDD (VDD = 5V, from the Ideal ADC to DAC schematic).
Step 15
Seen below is the time delay for when the voltage across the capacitor reaches 1.25V, which is half of it's max value, in this case 2.5V is the max voltage possible across the capacitor. The time delay measurment is 72ns when recorded via sims, close to the 70ns approximation calculated above. The marker on the right shows the capacitor approaching it's max value of 2.5V.
Step 17

First Simulation: No Load
As expected, the simulation output behaves the same as the Ideal_DAC that was simmed in the prelab. 
Using VDD = 4.99V saved my simulation.
Second simulation: Resistive Load
Connecting a 10k ohm load. As we know from previous calculations, the output resistance is R for this 10-bit DAC (R = 10k ohms for this lab). Now since we are introducing this second 10k ohm resistor load, we have now created a voltage divider where output will always be 1/2 the input, clearly seen below, where the output is roughly 2.5V.
10k ohm load connected on the right.
Step 19
Third Simulation: Capacitive Load
Using the previously used value of 10pF. We can see the output wave is drastically smoothed. Additionally we now notice that the output has a time delay and a new DC offset. As we knew previously, the 10pF capacitor had a 72ns time delay, when connected in an RC circuit.  Since the capacitive load is acting the same in this circuit, with output resistance of R = 10k ohms, then we can likewise see below that Vout experienes the same behavior and has a similar lag time of 73ns behind Vin. Additionally the DC offset appears to be between roughly 4.1V to 1.1V with a DC offset of 2.6V.

Capacitive load on the right.
Fourth Simulation: R/C Load
Now the combination of the resistor and capacitor in parallel has caused our output to be smooth and act as a voltage divider, along with having a time delay.
Below we see that the time delay for Vout is about 50ns, and Vout is slightly under 1/2 voltage of Vin, 2.3V. DC offset appears to have been drastically minimized.
Step 23
10k ohm resistor and 10pF capacitor in parallel load.
Step 24

In a real circuit the switches seen above (the outputs of the ADC) are implemented with transistors (MOSFETS). Discuss what happens if the resistance of the switches isn't small compared to R.
If the resistance of the switches isn't small, then we have to take those resistance values into the consideration of our output resistance(we previously calculated it as R through simple calcs), this effects our output voltage since output resistance will no longer be R. That means, the user would have to reasses the R value to calculate  a new resistance required in order to keep the DAC working as intended.
Lab stuff getting saved and backed up.

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