Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Xavier Hernandez,



- For the prelab, we were instructed to acquire a CMOSedu account and go through the "Editing Webpages" tutorial.

Lab Description:

This lab will go through "Cadence Tutorial 1" which will introduce us to the basics of Cadence. Additionally the lab will have us learn basics of html webpages.

Lab 1:

As part of the tutorial set up, we have to replace 3 files, as seen on the left, the divaDRC.rul, divaEXT.rul and divaLVS.rul files have been replaced with their unlocked counterparts.

Additionally, we use the cd CMOSedu command to switch directories as seen below where we can then type virtuoso & to start up Cadence.

Image 1


After running the command, the Library Manager and Command Interpreter Window appear.


Image 2


Next, we create a new library called Tutorial_1 with the AMI 0.60u C5N process, as seen below.


Image 3


Next, we check the cds.lib file and make sure the definition line was created, as seen below.


Image 4


Next we create a new cell view, seen below. 


Image 5


Now we will add a component using the menu options Create -> Instance.


Image 6


We set up our resistor using these 2 windows, seen below, with the appropriate settings selected.


Image 7


The two 10k ohm resistors added, as seen below.


Image 8

Next we are to add a ground and a 1V DC source, then we wire everything up.
Seen below in the image, the ground is being selected.

Image 9
Below is the circuit all wired up with all components added and appropriate labels. Additionally shown is the circuit being check and saved with no errors.
Image 10
Now we can set up our simulation, first we launch ADE L.
Image 11
Continuing our setup, we choose Spectre as our simulator.
Image 12
Next we choose our analysis, here we are choosing transient with stop time of 1 second, additionally Enabled is selected. Seen below.
Image 13
Finally, we select our signal outputs to be plotted using the dropdowns below.
Image 14

After selecting all that, the window looks like this.
Image 15

Before we can simulate, we save our state. We use the menu dropdowns "Session -> Save State" then select Cellview and enter/press OK.
Image 16
If we ever want to load this state back, then we alternatively use the dropdowns "Session -> Load State" then select Cellview and enter/press OK.

Finally we can simulate, we click the green button and we get the simulation results below.
Image 17

We are instructed to regularly backup files, by zipping them up and getting them to ourselves some way. I'll be uploading to google drive.
Below the files are zipped.
Image 18

Then I will upload my zipped file to my drive.
Image 19

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