Lab 1 - EE 421L 

Authored by Jesus Flores-Arellano,

August 30, 2023


Lab description: Tutorial 1 - Layout and Simulation Run through


Tutorial walked us through steps of setting up our directories to be able to DRC, Extract, and LVS our layouts. The  figure below shows the replaced files after finishing the first step in this tutorial.
We then proceed to make a new library for this tutorial, named 'Tutorial_1', and continue to create our schematic shown in the following figures.



Folllowing the creating of our schematic, we proceed to setup for the transient simulation. Below you will see the parameters created prior to running the simulation.




For the final step, we ran a transient simulation rather than a OP simulation. See below for the final results. 



To finalize this lab, we were tought how to backup our files that we created for this website.

We simply select all the files we have in our desired folder, in this case lab1, and we compress the files as shown below.




We then send this zipped folder to ourselves through email or save it through dropbox, google drive, etc. For this case, I sent it to myself through email, this way I know the data of when I sent the backup files. Shown below. 



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