Lab 7 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Michael Velasquez

October 20, 2021


Lab description

Using buses and arrays in the design of word inverters, muxes, and high–speed adders


Prelab Content

The prelab had students design, layout and simulate a ring oscillator using the NOT gates designed in a previous lab. A ring oscillator continuously inverts the signal between NOT gates as long as there is an odd number. Below shows a portion of the schematic, the full design contains 31 gates and cannot be shown fully.

After the schematic was finished, students were to simulate. The ADE and simulation settings are as shown below.

The output of the oscillator is not as expected. This output shows a signal that continously bounces around 2.5V. This is because no initial value has been assigned, and it would take some time for the oscillator to get started. In real circuits there is noise in any setting that can jumpstart the oscillation.

To fix this issue, we set an initial condition to our output note in the ADE. For this example we set the node to a voltage of 0.

As you can see, the new simulation shows the intended results. This leaves the output bouncing from 0 to VDD continuously.

Having a large amount of the same instances in a schematic leaves the design crowded and hard to follow. In order to make everything more neat, students were to use busses (or wide wires) to create a schematic with the same function as seen before but with a single gate. Labeling the gate using a notation such as I0<N-1:0> allows for the same gate to be present N number of times while only being placed once.

In this example we need 31 gates, so we change the instance name to represent this.

Once simulated, this new schematic still has the issue of not starting up. The same method was used to rectify this.

After the issue was fixed, the simulation showed the exact same results as the previous schematic. 

Next step is to layout the ring oscillator. To start, a single NOT gate was created so the students can instantiate it N number of times.

The layout was DRC clean.

Shown below is the array of NOT gates that was copied. This layout represents both schematics that were created earlier in the prelab.


Layout was DRC clean.

Students were expected to LVS check the layout. This compares the layout with the original schematic to ensure any nets, instances or terminals match.

Layout was LVS clean.

A symbol was created for this ring oscillator, with the only pin being the 31st output.

The test schematic for the ring oscillator is as shown below.

The ADE and simulation settings match what was used in previous schematics.

The simulation results are exactly the same, which match expectations.

This marks the end of the prelab content.

Lab Content

Lab 7 continues on the usage of busses and arrays to create functional and neat schematics.

To start off, students were expected to design a four bit inverter. This circuit takes four inputs and inverts them bit by bit. For four bits, students were to change the instance name to I0<3:0> and label the input and output nodes approprately.

A symbol was created to show that this inverter is used for four input bits.

To test functionality a new schematic was created which includes an input source and a load for each bit.

The ADE and simulation settings for the test schematic are as shown below.

The results for the four bit inverter are as expected. As you can see, the value of the load capacitor have an effect on the output voltage at any given time. The larger the capacitance, the longer it takeks for the inverter to charge it. For the fourth and first bit, the output is simillar as the load capacitance for the third bit is neglible. The larger the capacitance the larger the time constant which leads to more of a curve in the output voltage.

After the four bit inverter was completed, students moved onto an eight bit converter. The notation and design are very similar to the four bit inverter shown above. Instance names and node labels were adjusted to <7:0> to represent the four extra gates now present.

A symbol was created with a label denoting how many bits this circuit can take as an input.

The test schematic is similar to the previous test schematic, but with more load capacitor to match the number of output bits.

Outputs match what was expected.

After the inverters, students were expected to continue this process with a number of gates. The process for each is very similar to the bit by bit inverters, so explanations will be brief.

The main difference between these gates and the inverters is that we now have two sets of inputs (A and B).

Schematic for eight bit AND

Symbol for eight bit AND

Test schematic for eight bit AND

Simulation results for eight bit AND match expected results. Bits are only high when both inputs are.

Schematic for eight bit NAND

Symbol for eight bit NAND

Test schematic for eight bit NAND

Simulation results for eight bit NAND. These results are as expected, leaving the output bits low only when both input bits are high.

Schematic for eight bit OR

Symbol for eight bit OR

Test schematic for eight bit OR

Simulation for eight bit OR are as expected. Output is only low when bot input bits are low.

Schematic for eight bit NOR

Symbol for eight bit NOR

Test schematic for eight bit NOR

Simulation results were as expected. Output is only high when both inputs are low.

Once students were done designing and testing their eight input gates, they were expected to move onto designing a 2:1 MUX. To start a single MUX was to be designed and tested before using busses and arrays to make an eight wide MUX.

Below is the schematic of a 2:1MUX with four inputs and a single output.

The symbol for the MUX is as shown below.

A test schematic for the 2:1MUX. This schematic includes the inverter designed in lab 5.

The simulation results are as shown below. The purpose of a MUX is to allow a set amount of inputs through. This is done by using a select bit to determine which input or inputs are passed through to the output. For this example, students designed a 2:1MUX meaning that a single input bit is used to determine which of the two inputs will pass to the single output. Initially, the select bit is a "0" meaning that B will pass through, which can be seen in the output results. B was low, so therefor the output was also low. After every switch in the select bit, the output was adjusted to match the input that was to be passed.

Now that the single mux was designed and tested, students were to implement an eight wide 2:1MUX. For this schematic the Si input was automatically set by the implementation of the inverter. This reduces the amount of individual inputs this design will have. The nodes and instance name were also adjusted to match the width of our MUX. For eight MUX's students used <7:0>.

The symbol for this eight wide MUX  is as shown below.

Test schematic for eight wide 2:1MUX.

The results for this test schematic are as shwon below. Every output is accounted for and match the intended function of the MUX. That is, passing the input selected by the S input.

The final step of this lab was to design, test and layout an 8-bit full adder.

Students recreated figure 12.20, which is as shown below. Due to the complexity of the design, wires were ommitted. Instead, nodes were merely labeled ot keep a clean interface. This schematic only represents a single full adder. Once the design was completed, students implemented an 8-bit wide full adder.

The symbol for the full adder is as shown below. This matches the symbol of the full adder designed in lab 6.

Once the single adder was completed, students worked towards an 8-bit adder.The notation is similar to those created previously, but now there is signals being passed from one component to the next. To account for this, the labeling of the wires is different. Ordereing from most significant to least significant, the bits are labeled on the connecting nodes. The inputs were labeled "Cout<6:0>, Cin" showing that Cin<7> is attatched to Cout<6>. Cin<6> is then attatched to Cout<5>. This pattern happens all the way down to Cin<0>, which is then attatched to the original Cin input.

The symbol for this 8-bit full adder is as shown below.

A test schematic was created to test the functionality of this symbol.

The results are as expected. If Cin is a "1" along with both inputs, the Cin propagates. This can be shown at 17.0ns where Cout rises.

Now that the functionality of this adder has been tested, students were to layout this full adder.

The layout is as shown below.

Layout is DRC clean.

Extracted view of layout

Layout was then to be LVS checked by comparing it to the full adder schematic.

Layout is LVS clean.

The layout was then instantiated eight times to recreated the 8-bit full adder.

Layout is DRC clean.

This concludes Lab 7.

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