Lab 7  - ECE 421L 

Authored by David Pinales,

Today's date: 10/31/21



Lab description: In this lab, I shall demonstrate my understanding of Using buses and arrays in the design of word inverters, muxes, and high-speed adders.



Prelab: In this prelab, we demonstrate the workings of a ring oscillator.


For our first step, we use the Inverter symbol as our steppingstone w/ a VDD as the supply net.

A screenshot of a computer

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Next, we layout our 31 ring oscillator with the following steps as a short cut, Select Inverter-> Keybind C (For copy)-> Columns = 30

Graphical user interface

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We now have the following:



We finish it up by connecting the ends to each other:


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For our labeling I have gone with the same label as tutorial, osc_out. Now we have our ring oscillator set up which we then proceed to the simulation of the schematic.

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But before we do the simulation, we first must edit the simulation for certain parameters needed for the schematic.


VDD = 5 V

 A picture containing text, device, gauge, meter

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Select the outputs to plot -> select osc_out

Set the analysis to a transient with a length of 200 ns

A picture containing text, window, tiled, bathtub

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*Note – When simulation make sure the model libraries are saved to simulation. (Setup -> model libraries)

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As shown in the simulation, we have a steady voltage of 2.5V.

Now, from ADE L simulation window -> Convergence Aids -> initial condition -> Select node 0:

Graphical user interface, application, Word

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Graphical user interface, text, application

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Simulation of Ring Oscillator:

Chart, bar chart

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Now, once the completion of the Ring Oscillator, we turn the wires into busses for the 31 inverters in place.


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Finally, we simulate the given the circuit to get the following result:

Chart, table, bar chart

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A similar output is shown to give us an understanding on if the circuit satisfies the previous schematic. No we turn the circuit into a symbol and proceed to the layout.


Background pattern

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Now, We then proceed to the layout of the given circuit with a DRC and LVS to see if the schematic and layout match up.



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Boom! That’s the end to Prelab 7.




Experiment 1: 4-Bit Inverter



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A picture containing diagram

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Graphical user interface

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Experiment 2: 8-bit array of NAND, NOR, AND, inverter and OR gates


Transistor Level Schematics:


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A screenshot of a video game

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8-Bit NAND Schematic:

A picture containing text, device, meter

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8-Bit NAND Symbol:

A picture containing diagram

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8-Bit Inverter Schematic:

A picture containing text, light, dark, device

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Symbol 8-Bit Inverter:


A screenshot of a computer

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*Note – For efficiency, we build the AND and OR gates bypassing transistor level by simply adding an inverter into the NAND and NOR gates output:




A picture containing background pattern

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8-Bit AND Schematic:

A screenshot of a computer screen

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8-Bit AND Symbol:


A picture containing text, light, red, traffic

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8-Bit OR Schematic:


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8-Bit OR Symbol:


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8-Bit NOR Schematic:


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8-Bit NOR Symbol:


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Simulation of Gates:

A picture containing text, light, night

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A screenshot of a computer

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Experiment 3: 2-to-1 DEMUX/MUX:

A screenshot of a computer

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A screenshot of a game

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-      DEMUX                                                                         -Symbol




2-input Select w/ Simulation:

A screenshot of a computer

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Graphical user interface

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-      MUX S has a high A propogate through, whereas Si has a strong B propogate through.



DEMUX Simulation w/Schematic:

A screenshot of a computer

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Graphical user interface

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Single Input Select Schematic w/Symbol & Simulation:

A screenshot of a video game

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A screenshot of a computer

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8-Bit Mux/Demux Schematic/Simulation:

A screenshot of a video game

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A screenshot of a video game

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Graphical user interface

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Experiment 4 AOI Full Adder:



A screenshot of a computer

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A picture containing text, light

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Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generatedGraphical user interface

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Schematic of 8-bit Adder:

A picture containing diagram

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A screenshot of a computer screen

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Graphical user interface

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Graphical user interface

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Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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This concludes Lab 7.


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