Lab 2 - EE 421L 

Authored by Adrian Lopez-Macuaran,

August 28, 2021


Lab description       

For this lab we covered the desing of a 10-bit digitial-to-analog converter (DAC).

Pre-Lab Procedure

The first step to this pre-lab was to download  the file ( and uploaded and unzip  it to the CMOSedu dicrecotry. Next we define the the folder in our cds.lib.
Fig.1 Shows lab2 defined in our cds.lib
Next we opened the library lab2 then proceded to open the schematic.

Fig2.1 shows the lab2 was successfully unziped.

Fig.3 (DAC) Schematic.
After we open the schematic we launch ADE L which stands for analog design environment. After launching ADE L we click on session then click on Load State. From here we select cellview then click ok. Once the screen loads we are good to run the simmulaiton by pressing the green arrow button.
Fig4. This shows our simulation results

Next we were to familiarize our selves on how to edit our graph and line type. To edit graph we simply right click and select graph properties, this lets us change the background color. To edit our line types we click the line we want to edit and right click then select trace properties, from here we can change line thickness, line type, and line color.

Fig.5 the aboe figures show two different ways one could edit their simulations vin(red) vout(blue)
From the above simulation results we can see that the output signal has many incremental steps and we cannot observe the graph results clearly. To fix this we can set the input voltage to 10mV with and offset of 10mV. To do this we go back to our schematic select the input voltage and press (q) to bring up properties input our valuse then press ok, then check and save and finally  re-run our simulation.
Fig6. Shows a much clearer result
From the above result I also place to markers on the graph. Pace a marker on the bottom of the step, I did this by selcting the area I wanted a marker and pressing 'A'. Then I place a marker 'B' at the top of the step. This gave us a dY of 4.88281mV which indicates the Least Significant Bit (LSB). We know this to be true because LSB represents the minimum change on the ADC input required to show a change in the ouput. Using the following Equation we can also fing LSB.  Step size = Vcc / 2^N
Fig7. Show how to hand calculate LSB and shows the markers gave us the correct dY
Next we can change our properties in our schematic one more time to get a more accurate step size. We do this by changing out propreties in our input to have an amplitude of 2.44mV and an offset voltage of 2.44mV. After we change the input we click and save then run our simulation.

Fig.8 shows the correct step size
Lab Tasks
The lab design will be based of fig. 30.14 from the CMOS book.

Desinging 10-Bit DAC using N-well Resistor of 10k
We start our desing by first creating a voltage divider. This voltage divider will make it easier to to creat our 10-Bit DAC. From this voltage divider we will create a symbol. I have labeled the right node as IN, the left node as OUT and the Bottom node as Botttom.


After creating the voltage divider we will now creat our symbol. To creat a symbol we do the following, we click creat, Cellview, and finally From Cellview. 

Once the symbol was created edited as needed. After saving my progress I countinued to make the 10-Bit DAC using the symbol from above.

After connecting all symbols together and adding a 10k resistor at the bottom I created a new DAC symbol. We were to copy the symbol from the directory, ideal 10-bit DAC to our folder and edit the symbol as needed.
Calculating Output Resistance
Starting from the bottom up we will work our way up combining resistors in series and parallel to give us Req and keep doing this process until B9 is reached.

Calculating Delay with a 10pF load
This circuit can be treat as and RC circuit since we have 10k resistor in series with a 10pF capacitor. We know the time is around 0.7RC. The following will show the hand calcs for our delay.

The following will show my schematic and simulation of the delay. From the calculation we esstimate the delay will be around 50% of the input.

From the above simulaiton we can see the hand calcs were correct.

Testing our DAC design with no load

From the above simulation we can observe the same waveforms as the Ideal DAC from the prelab.
Testing our DAC design with 10k resistive load

From connecting the load of 10k the circuit becomes a voltage divider which will result in the ouput voltage being half  the input. From the above simulation we can correctly observe Vout going from 0 to 2.5v.
Testing our DAC design with 10pF load

With the capacitor connected we observe a smooth curve which lags around 70ns.
Testing our DAC design with Resistor in parallel with Capacitor

From this simulation we can observe that with R//C we get Vout is half the input while also lagging roughly 50 ns.
From the above simulation we can conclude that our 10-Bit DAC was functional. We can also observe from the above simulations that when there is no capacitive load our results will be in phase, but if a resistive load is added we will experience a voltage divider, but still in phase. When resistive load and a capacitive load is used the output will lag the input. Finally when only using a capacitive load the output will lag the input at a greater time.

In a real circuit if the switch resistance was not samll compared to R, the equivalent resistance of the DAC would not be R. The switch resistance would be in series with R. To find this out we would have to recalculate the R value for all of DAC to be able to maximize ouput.

Addtional information
I ran into this problem and the simulation would only output half the waveform after correcting the issue I was able to see the correct waveforms plot.
Backing up Work
I backed up my work twice for this lab, once during pre-lab then after I finished the post-lab.

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